

Emeritus Prof. Jang Gyu Lee, Ombudsperson program is implemented to resolve the grievances of people in SNU (Yonhap News Agency, 20210311)

April 22, 2021l Hit 1654

SNU announced on the 11th that it is implementing an ‘ombudsperson’ program beginning March 1st to improve its institutional, physical, and cultural environment and to resolve the grievances of its members.

SNU decided to establish an ombudsperson program as it diagnosed that complaints and grievances could be due to unreasonable systems, physical facilities, and cultural environments. It decided to found an independent organization within the human rights center so that the grievances and human rights violations could resolved.

The first ombudspersons are SNU Emeritus Professor Jang Gyu Lee (ECE, College of Engineering), SNU Emeritus Professor Joon Koo Lee (Economics, College of Social Sciences), and Professor Joo Moon (sculpture, College of Fine Arts). Se-jung Oh, the president of SNU, emphasized, saying, “We hope that the ombudsperson program will contribute to forming a transparent university culture and human rights-friendly campus culture by bettering unreasonable systems and practices related to school life.”

Source: http://ee.snu.ac.kr/community/news?bm=v&bbsidx=51143

Translated by: Jee Hyun Lee, English Editor of Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, jlee621@snu.ac.kr