
Academic Affairs


Korean Test_2022 1st semester

February 24, 2022l Hit 1785

This notice is only for the graduate students who are going to take a Korean test instead of English.

[Academic Affairs][Regulation] Foreign Language Examination (English or Korean)_mandatory

- The foreign language examination must be taken in English. However, international students must select between English and Korean. Those for whom English is the native language (including official language(s) and lingua franca(s)) must select Korean.
If you want to take this Korean test instead of taking Korean language and Korean culture (990.***)or submitting the TEPS score, apply for this test within the designated period.
Keep note that Korean language and Korean culture (990.***) is not counted one of the course work credits.

한국어시험(필답고사)_Korean Writing Test
Registration period: 2022.2.28.(월) ~ 3.8.(화)
submitting the application form attached to Ms. Mina Kim in ECE office(301-319) by March 9
please, refer to the following website for checking the application.
-Korean Test Date :  2022.03.18.(금) 9:30 ~ 10:30(60분)
-Place : Building 39 Room B103