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[학부] 이창희 교수, 디스플레이학회 특별공로상 수상(6/2)

2014.06.02.l 조회수 21576

이창희 교수가 6월 2일 디스플레이학회 (Society for Information Display)에서 특별공로상 (2014 SID Special Recognition Award)를 수상하였습니다. 


2014 SID Special Recognition Awards

Presented to members of the technical, scientific, and business community (not necessarily SID members) for distinguished and valued contributions to the information-display field.

Changhee Lee
, “For his leading contributions to the research and development of organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) and quantum-dot LEDs for full-color displays and solid-state lighting.”
  Dr. Lee is a Professor with the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Seoul National University.  He earned his Ph.D. in physics from the University of California at Santa Barbara.


관련 내용 보기: http://informationdisplay.org/IDArchive/2014/MarchApril/HonorsandAwards.aspx
