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[언론보도] 이병호 교수, 한국광학회 차기회장 당선(미국광학회 보도)

2018.03.23.l 조회수 12690

이병호 교수가 한국광학회(OSK) 차기회장으로 당선된 것이 미국광학회(OSA) 잡지 Optics & Photonics News (OPN) 2018년 4월호에 보도되었다.


Byoungho Lee

OSA also congratulates OSA Fellow Byoungho Lee, Seoul National University, on his election as the 2019 president of OSK.

Lee is a longtime OSA member and volunteer, supporting OSA’s meetings, journals and member services, and has served on the OSA Board of Directors and on a number of committees and councils.

He currently serves as chair of both the CLEO Pacific Rim Steering Committee and the Sang Soo Lee Award Committee—an OSA-OSK joint award that he helped to establish in 2013.

OSA looks forward to a continued partnership with OSK and Lee.