

[ECE Department] Professor Jaehyouk Choi's Research Team Wins Gold and Silver Prizes at the 31st Samsung HumanTech Paper Awards

February 24, 2025l Hit 32

Two research teams from the Integrated Circuits and Systems Lab (ICSL), led by Professor Jaehyouk Choi, won awards at the 31st Samsung HumanTech Paper Awards. The team comprising Jaeho Kim, Myungho Han, and Jueun Bang received the Gold Prize, and the team comprising Moonjae Chae, Seheon Jang, Chanwoong Hwang, and Hankee Park won the Silver Prize.

Awarded Paper 1. A Command-Aware Hybrid LDO for advanced HBM Achieving Sub-10mV-Voltage Droop in 400ps-Settling Time

Awarded Paper 2. A 65fsrms-Jitter and −272dB-FoMjitter,N Fractional-N DPLL Using a Quantization-Error-Compensating BBPD

Source: https://ece.snu.ac.kr/ece/news?md=v&bbsidx=56255

Translated by: Dohyung Kim, English Editor of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, kimdohyung@snu.ac.kr