A new era of science and technology for light and molecules in the nano world
Nanophotonics and Molecular Electro-Physics Research Group
Based on the physics of molecular complexes and nano structures such as liquid crystals, organic semiconductors, and artificial biological membranes, we investigate their structural, electrical, and optical characteristics, and develop novel control methods of them. Our current research topics include nano-pattern technology, artificial biological membranes, next-generation organic integrated devices and displays, organic solar cells, nano optics, nano-optic integration methods, photon signal processing, photon logic devices, 3-D display, holograms, plasmonics, meta materials, super-radiant lasers, etc.
- 3D Optical Engineering Lab. Prof. Park, Jae-Hyeung
- Advanced Opto and Nano Electronics Laboratory Prof. Kwak, Jeonghun
- Photonic Systems Laboratory Prof. Park, Namkyoo
- Laser Laboratory Prof. Jeong, Yoonchan
- Intelligent Display & Sensor Lab. Prof. Lee, Jaesang
- Intelligent Wave Systems Laboratory Prof. Yu, Sunkyu
Display and Flexible Devices Research Group
With the advent of wearable and IoT era, future electronic systems are required to be implemented on not only a rigid platform such as silicon or glass substrates but a flexible stretchable platform for excellent conformability. We are focusing on enhancing performances and stabilities of electronic devices under such wearable harsh environment. Our research area includes flexible/foldable/foldable display technology, eco-friend printed electronics, flexible stretchable electronics, solution-process CNT/organic/oxide thin film transistors, organic/QD LED, organic/inorganic solar cells, stretchable electrodes, and sensors for electronic skin.
- 3D Optical Engineering Lab. Prof. Park, Jae-Hyeung
- Advanced Opto and Nano Electronics Laboratory Prof. Kwak, Jeonghun
- Intelligent Display & Sensor Lab. Prof. Lee, Jaesang
- Advanced TFTs and Smart Electronics Laboratory Prof. Lee, Soo-Yeon
- Advanced fleXible Electronics Laboratory (AXEL) Prof. Hong, Yongtaek
Interfacing between human and machines for better communication
Multimedia Signal Processing Research Group
In the multimedia signal processing research group, we study statistical modeling of multimedia and multi-dimensional signal processing systems including algorithm development for better recovery, estimation, detection, and sampling, development of video and speech enhancement systems, 2D and 3D image compression and decompression, computer vision for face and object recognition, speech recognition and synthesis for the human-machine interface, and acoustic and sound system design.
- Machine Perception and Reasoning Lab. Prof. Choi, Jonghyun
- M.IN.D Lab (Machine INtelligence and Data science) Prof. Moon, Taesup
- Networked Computing and ML Lab Prof. Lee, Kyunghan
- Wireless Communication and Information System Lab. Prof. Choi, Wan
- Signal Processing-Artificial Intelligence (SPA) Lab Prof. Jun Won Choi
- Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Prof. Yoon, Sungroh
- Information System Laboratory Prof. Shim, Byonghyo
- Information and Signal Processing Prof. Cho, Nam-Ik
- Intelligent Computational imaging Lab (ICL) Prof. Chun, Se Young
- Vehicle Intelligence Lab. Prof. Seo, Seung-Woo
- Computer Vision Lab. Prof. Han, Bohyung
- Human Interface Lab Prof. Kim, Nam Soo
Revolution propelled by information technology
Wireless and Microwave Engineering Research Group
We conduct research on compound semiconductors, CMOS and RF MEMS technology for high-frequency devices, and applied circuits and systems. Especially, we are developing the fastest transistors in the world, digital RF technology, antenna and high-efficiency power amplifiers, and RF technology for biological and medical applications
- Wave Fusion Laboratory Prof. Oh, Jungsuek
- Radio Technology Laboratory Prof. Kim, Seong-Cheol
- Applied Electromagnetics Laboratory Prof. Nam, Sangwook
- High-Frequency Integrated Circuits and Systems Research Group Prof. Choi, Wooyeol
Visual Computing Research Group
This group conducts research on video quality enhancement, video signal processing for VR/AR, object recognition in a video, standard video compression, big data video processing and computer animation. The research aims to improve the video quality optimized for the cameras and LCD/OLED display devices in latest smartphones and TVs, also to recognize objects in a video for applications such as AI robots, smart vehicles, CC-TV and drones, and to improve the video reality for VR/AR with 3D video signal processing. Additional research subjects include the video compression standard, big data video storage/retrieval, and vivid computer animation by motion simulation.
- 3D Visual Computing and Geometric Analysis Prof. Kim, Young Min
- Graphics & Media Lab Prof. Ko, Hyeongseok
- Machine Perception and Reasoning Lab. Prof. Choi, Jonghyun
- Networked Computing and ML Lab Prof. Lee, Kyunghan
- Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Prof. Yoon, Sungroh
- Vehicle Intelligence Lab. Prof. Seo, Seung-Woo
- Computer Architecture and Systems Prof. Sim, Jaewoong
- Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing Lab Prof. Lee, Hyuk-Jae
- Computer Vision Lab. Prof. Han, Bohyung
Semiconductor Physics and Device Research Group
Semiconductor industry is the backbone of the Nation’s economy, serving as the key technological enabler that drives highly sophisticated state-of-the-art electronics of today. As the need for extremely minuscule semiconductor devices becomes crucial than ever, it is vital to engineer fundamental technological solutions to accommodate the need and ensure the Nation’s continued leadership in the industry. We are specialized in designing, analyzing (w/ modeling), and fabricating noble semiconductor devices through genuinely developed next-generation processing technologies. We have been extensively focusing on wide spectrum of studies: CMOS, memory, nano-scale technology, bio and gas sensors, neuromorphic, reconfigurable, and RF devices. As a next generation technology, we also studying organic transistors-based solar cell and display technology, and nano-scale electrokinetics.
- Advanced Opto and Nano Electronics Laboratory Prof. Kwak, Jeonghun
- Device Research Lab. Prof. Shin, Hyungcheol
- Semiconductor Materials & Devices Lab. Prof. Lee, Jong-Ho (S)
- Three-Dimensional Integration and Device Lab. Prof. Choi, Woo Young
- Energy, Environment and Sustainability Lab. Prof. Kim, Sung Jae
- Semiconductor device laboratory for AI Prof. Jung, Gyuweon
- Intelligent Display & Sensor Lab. Prof. Lee, Jaesang
- Sustainable Mobility EE Technology (SMEET) Lab Prof. Yoon, Sang Won
- Advanced TFTs and Smart Electronics Laboratory Prof. Lee, Soo-Yeon
- Lab of Emerging Electronics & optoElectronics Prof. Lee, Chul-Ho
- Advanced fleXible Electronics Laboratory (AXEL) Prof. Hong, Yongtaek
Bio-Electro-Informatics Research Group
Through a combination of biomedical engineering, electrochemistry, nano-engineering, nano-optics, information technology, and brain imaging, we develop innovative technology to enhance quality of life. Current research topics include the followings: artificial cochlear implant for the hearing impaired, artificial retina for the blind, deep brain simulator for treatment of Parkinson’s Disease, membrane-mediated biological activities, high-speed diagnostic machine and fluid control system using nano/micro technology, biomedical big data analysis using artificial intelligence and machine learning, brain imaging technology using MRI, and genomics technology by biology/engineering convergence. By suggesting, reinterpreting and rebuilding these research, we will continue to devote ourselves in leading the innovation.
- Integrated Microsystems Laboratory Prof. Yoo, Jerald
- M.IN.D Lab (Machine INtelligence and Data science) Prof. Moon, Taesup
- Laboratory for Imaging Science and Technology Prof. Lee, Jongho (B)
- Biophotonics & Nanoengineering Laboratory Prof. Kwon, Sunghoon
- Energy, Environment and Sustainability Lab. Prof. Kim, Sung Jae
- Wearable Robotics Laboratory Prof. Kim, Jinsoo
- Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Prof. Yoon, Sungroh
- Electro-medical Fusion Engineering lab Prof. Seo, Jongmo
- Intelligent Computational imaging Lab (ICL) Prof. Chun, Se Young
Smart Embedded System Research Group
Smart innovations, started from smart phones, have extended to TVs, cars, and IoT devices. For the software platforms of these smart devices, we research architecture design, performance enhancement, low power optimization, and security enforcement. More specifically, we focus on optimizing the web platforms and virtual machines, meeting the QoS, real-time, and the low-power requirements for embedded system software, and enhancing security for smart devices via HW/SW co-design. We are making real-world contributions for diverse smart industries.
- Virtual Machine and Optimization Lab. Prof. Moon, Soo-Mook
- Accelerated Intelligent Systems Lab (AISys) Prof. Lee, Jinho
- Network Lab. Prof. Bahk, Saewoong
- Networked Computing and ML Lab Prof. Lee, Kyunghan
- Security Optimization Research (SOR) Lab. Prof. Paek, Yunheung
- Computer Security Lab Prof. Lee, Byoungyoung
- Real-Time Operating Systems Lab. Prof. Hong, Seongsoo
- Computer Architecture and Systems Prof. Sim, Jaewoong
Smart Automobile Research Group
In the smart car research group, we conduct researches on new technologies for future automotive that will bring up big impacts on our society and diverse fields of industry. In particular, we focus on high-reliability connectivity between vehicles and other ‘things’, and automated driving technologies. Our research goal is to realize a safe and convenient vehicle through integration of various emerging technologies in the areas of communication, information security, real-time operating system, software, machine learning, sensor, environment perception, and control.
- Network Lab. Prof. Bahk, Saewoong
- Coding and Cryptography Lab. Prof. No, Jong-Seon
- Signal Processing-Artificial Intelligence (SPA) Lab Prof. Jun Won Choi
- Real-Time Operating Systems Lab. Prof. Hong, Seongsoo
- Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Prof. Yoon, Sungroh
- Perception and Intelligence Lab Prof. Choi, Jin Young
- Radio Technology Laboratory Prof. Kim, Seong-Cheol
- Vehicle Intelligence Lab. Prof. Seo, Seung-Woo
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Research Group
It has been considered that artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques will become the cornerstone for future technology because by modeling a part of human intelligence, they have opened up vast possibilities in various technical fields in today's market . The research topics of our group cover various aspects of artificial intelligence and machine learning: from designing better models and developing fundamental algorithms to applying such techniques to various technical fields including speech & audio recognition, natural language, channel prediction, computer vision, autonomous vehicles, knowledge discovery, healthcare and cyber-physical system & security.
- Accelerated Intelligent Systems Lab (AISys) Prof. Lee, Jinho
- Advanced Intelligent Systems Laboratory Prof. Yang, Hyun Jong
- Integrated Microsystems Laboratory Prof. Yoo, Jerald
- High Performance Computer System Lab Prof. Kim, Jangwoo
- Machine Perception and Reasoning Lab. Prof. Choi, Jonghyun
- M.IN.D Lab (Machine INtelligence and Data science) Prof. Moon, Taesup
- Networked Computing and ML Lab Prof. Lee, Kyunghan
- VLSI Lab Prof. KIM, Jae-Joon
- Knowledge Discovery and Database Research Lab. Prof. Shim, Kyuseok
- Robot Learning Laboratory Prof. Oh, Songhwai
- Machine Intelligence Lab. Prof. Jung, Kyomin
- Wireless Communication and Information System Lab. Prof. Choi, Wan
- Security Optimization Research (SOR) Lab. Prof. Paek, Yunheung
- Signal Processing-Artificial Intelligence (SPA) Lab Prof. Jun Won Choi
- AIDAS Laboratory (AI, Big Data, and System) Prof. Do, Jaeyoung
- Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Prof. Yoon, Sungroh
- Cognitive Machine Learning Lab (CML) Prof. Lee, Jung Woo
- Perception and Intelligence Lab Prof. Choi, Jin Young
- Radio Technology Laboratory Prof. Kim, Seong-Cheol
- Information System Laboratory Prof. Shim, Byonghyo
- Information and Signal Processing Prof. Cho, Nam-Ik
- Control and Optimization Research (CORE) Lab Prof. Yang, Insoon
- Intelligent Computational imaging Lab (ICL) Prof. Chun, Se Young
- Vehicle Intelligence Lab. Prof. Seo, Seung-Woo
- Computer Architecture and Systems Prof. Sim, Jaewoong
- Computer Vision Lab. Prof. Han, Bohyung
- Computer-Aided Design Lab. Prof. Kim, Taewhan
- Human Interface Lab Prof. Kim, Nam Soo
Quantum Electronics Research Group
We develop innovative application technologies such as quantum computers and secure quantum communications. Current research topics include quantum platforms, quantum protocols, quantum electronics, optical quantum analogy, optical engineering, photon signal processing, photon logics, and laser engineering.
- Photonic Systems Laboratory Prof. Park, Namkyoo
- Nano/Micro Systems and Controls Lab. Prof. Cho, Dong-il
- Laser Laboratory Prof. Jeong, Yoonchan
- Cognitive Machine Learning Lab (CML) Prof. Lee, Jung Woo
- Intelligent Wave Systems Laboratory Prof. Yu, Sunkyu
Core Technology for Sustainability and Environments
Electric Energy Systems Research Group
We research on electric energy systems for solving the problems of energy depletions and environment pollutions, and the sustainable developments. Our research areas are ‘Power Electronics’ and ‘Electric Machine.’ The traditional electric energy systems consisted of the passive elements such as wire, transformer, and switch. But, the active elements have been recently introduced to the electric energy systems. New power circuits, electric machines, and the control are researched from the technologies of the power devices and various energy materials, and the developed information technology. The focused research areas are as follows: Electric vehicles and hybrid vehicles/ Energy storage, conversion, charge, management/ Electric drives and electrifications/ Renewable energy device and systems including solar and wind energy / Robotic and electro-magnetic manipulation systems/ Various electric machines/ Electro-magnetic design, analysis, and optimization/ Superconducting devices and systems
- Micro Sensors & Actuators Prof. Kim, Yong-Kweon
- Electric Energy Conversion Lab. Prof. Ha, Jung-Ik
- Power Conversion Systems Laboratory Prof. Cui, Shenghui
- Electric Power Network Economics Lab Prof. Yoon, Yong Tae
- Power Systems Laboratory Prof. Lee, Gyu-Sub
- Power Electronics Systems Lab Prof. Shin, Jongwon
- Power Electronics Laboratory (EEPEL) Prof. Sul, Seung Ki
- Applied Superconductivity Laboratory (ASL) Prof. Hahn, Seungyong
Control Engineering Research Group
Control engineering is related to studying, based on control theory, a way to govern the behavior of dynamic systems. It usually consists of sensing the output of the target system, computing the control input by feedback, and operating the actuators, all of which are the main ingredients of control engineering. Uncertainty that is inevitable in nature is one of the key obstacles that makes control hard, and handling uncertainty is one of main subjects in control engineering. It is fundamental to electrical and mechanical engineering, robotics, aerospace engineering, and mechatronics, and applicable to self-driving vehicles, drones, cyber-physical systems, smart grids, and so on.
- Robot Learning Laboratory Prof. Oh, Songhwai
- Wearable Robotics Laboratory Prof. Kim, Jinsoo
- Control & Dynamic Systems Lab. Prof. Shim, Hyungbo
- Control & Dynamical Systems Lab Prof. Lee, Jin Gyu
- Vehicle Intelligence Lab. Prof. Seo, Seung-Woo
A safe and convenient world through embedded intelligence
Intelligent Systems and Robotics Research Group
We envision a world in which physical entities are tightly connected to the virtual world through vast networks of intelligent systems and robots, providing safety and convenience. For that purpose, we conduct research to improve adaptability, autonomy, efficiency, and reliability of engineered systems. Our research topics include robotics, machine learning, computer vision, and cyber-physical systems.
- Machine Perception and Reasoning Lab. Prof. Choi, Jonghyun
- Nano/Micro Systems and Controls Lab. Prof. Cho, Dong-il
- Robot Learning Laboratory Prof. Oh, Songhwai
- Signal Processing-Artificial Intelligence (SPA) Lab Prof. Jun Won Choi
- Wearable Robotics Laboratory Prof. Kim, Jinsoo
- Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Prof. Yoon, Sungroh
- Control & Dynamic Systems Lab. Prof. Shim, Hyungbo
- Control & Dynamical Systems Lab Prof. Lee, Jin Gyu
- Control and Optimization Research (CORE) Lab Prof. Yang, Insoon
- Vehicle Intelligence Lab. Prof. Seo, Seung-Woo
Integrated Circuits Research Group
Integrated circuit (IC) is the key enabling technology that opened the era of personal computers and mobile devices, thanks to the 60-year sustained growth of the semiconductor fabrication technology and IC design methodologies. The currently established research fields include: high-speed data interfaces, clocking circuits such as PLL/DLLs, data converters between analog and digital, and wireless communication circuits. Thanks to the proliferation of IoT devices and machine-learning applications, some of the newly emerging areas are: sensor interface circuits, ultra-low-power digital circuits, micro energy harvesting circuits, and neuromorphic circuit and processor designs.
- Integrated Microsystems Laboratory Prof. Yoo, Jerald
- Nano/Micro Systems and Controls Lab. Prof. Cho, Dong-il
- Integrated Circuits and Systems Lab. Prof. Choi, Jaehyouk
- Analog and Mixed-Signal IC Design Lab. Prof. Kim, Suhwan
- Perception and Intelligence Lab Prof. Choi, Jin Young
- Wave Fusion Laboratory Prof. Oh, Jungsuek
- Radio Technology Laboratory Prof. Kim, Seong-Cheol
- Control and Optimization Research (CORE) Lab Prof. Yang, Insoon
- High-Frequency Integrated Circuits and Systems Research Group Prof. Choi, Wooyeol
- Computer Vision Lab. Prof. Han, Bohyung
- Mixed-Signal IC and System Group Prof. Kim, Jaeha
Next-generation Computing Research Group
The emerging applications such as big data, artificial intelligence, and high-quality graphics/image processing typically require an enormous amount of computation. However, the existing computer architecture represented by von Neumann architecture is facing its limitation due to various problems including scalability, memory wall, and energy efficiency. This research group focuses on next generation computing technologies that can replace or supplement the existing ones. The current research topics include big data processing, neuromorphic computing, in-memory database, social computing, computer animation, high-definition image processing, and computer architecture with next-generation memory.
- Accelerated Intelligent Systems Lab (AISys) Prof. Lee, Jinho
- High Performance Computer System Lab Prof. Kim, Jangwoo
- Machine Perception and Reasoning Lab. Prof. Choi, Jonghyun
- VLSI Lab Prof. KIM, Jae-Joon
- Integrated Circuits and Systems Lab. Prof. Choi, Jaehyouk
- Computer Security Lab Prof. Lee, Byoungyoung
- AIDAS Laboratory (AI, Big Data, and System) Prof. Do, Jaeyoung
- Integrated Systems Design Laboratory Prof. Jeong, Deog-Kyoon
- Integrated Circuits &systems for Computing and Communication Prof. Choi, Woo-Seok
- Computer Architecture and Systems Prof. Sim, Jaewoong
- Computer-Aided Design Lab. Prof. Kim, Taewhan
Communication Networks Research Group
From wired telephones/Internet to the next-generation high-speed wireless Internet, we develop technologies for communication networks that are always available, secure, and fast. Our research goes beyond the traditional communication systems and includes the convergence technologies for Internet of Things (IoT), sensor networks, broadcast systems, automobiles, and power grid systems of tomorrow.
- 3D Visual Computing and Geometric Analysis Prof. Kim, Young Min
- High Performance Computer System Lab Prof. Kim, Jangwoo
- Graphics & Media Lab Prof. Ko, Hyeongseok
- Network Lab. Prof. Bahk, Saewoong
- Networked Computing and ML Lab Prof. Lee, Kyunghan
- VLSI Lab Prof. KIM, Jae-Joon
- Machine Intelligence Lab. Prof. Jung, Kyomin
Communication Systems Research Group
For the various and huge demand for information delivery in the information age, we develop digital wired/wireless communication systems and the related fundamental techniques. Our research interests include communications/information theory, coding theory, next generation mobile communication systems, wireless sensor networks, wireless channel modeling, and design and implementation of wired/wireless transceivers.
- Advanced Intelligent Systems Laboratory Prof. Yang, Hyun Jong
- Network Lab. Prof. Bahk, Saewoong
- Networked Computing and ML Lab Prof. Lee, Kyunghan
- Wireless Communication and Information System Lab. Prof. Choi, Wan
- Integrated Circuits and Systems Lab. Prof. Choi, Jaehyouk
- Computer Architecture and Systems Prof. Sim, Jaewoong
Circuits and Systems Research Group
The next generation electrical, electronic, and communication systems will be implemented in a single chip with low power consumption. To realize such system, our group focuses on high-performance analog-digital integrated circuit implementation, SoC design methodology, low-power reconfigurable processor implementation, multicore processor design, hardware optimized code generation, and high-resolution video platforms.
- Integrated Microsystems Laboratory Prof. Yoo, Jerald
- High Performance Computer System Lab Prof. Kim, Jangwoo
- Network Lab. Prof. Bahk, Saewoong
- Networked Computing and ML Lab Prof. Lee, Kyunghan
- VLSI Lab Prof. KIM, Jae-Joon
- Wireless Communication and Information System Lab. Prof. Choi, Wan
- Integrated Circuits and Systems Lab. Prof. Choi, Jaehyouk
- Coding and Cryptography Lab. Prof. No, Jong-Seon
- Mobile Communications Lab. Prof. Lee, Kwang Bok
- AIDAS Laboratory (AI, Big Data, and System) Prof. Do, Jaeyoung
- Cognitive Machine Learning Lab (CML) Prof. Lee, Jung Woo
- Wave Fusion Laboratory Prof. Oh, Jungsuek
- Radio Technology Laboratory Prof. Kim, Seong-Cheol
- Information System Laboratory Prof. Shim, Byonghyo
- Integrated Systems Design Laboratory Prof. Jeong, Deog-Kyoon
- High-Frequency Integrated Circuits and Systems Research Group Prof. Choi, Wooyeol
- Mixed-Signal IC and System Group Prof. Kim, Jaeha
A new world with invisible micromachines
MEMS Research Group
We conduct research on the MEMS technology for micro-component of printers, vehicles, mobile phones, display, and bioengineering. Current research projects include design and implementation of inkjet head, micro sensors, micro switches, micro-mirror arrays, micro-lens, micro tips, bio chips, micro robots, ion separator and power-free desalination device.
- VLSI Lab Prof. KIM, Jae-Joon
- Security Optimization Research (SOR) Lab. Prof. Paek, Yunheung
- Energy, Environment and Sustainability Lab. Prof. Kim, Sung Jae
- Integrated Systems Design Laboratory Prof. Jeong, Deog-Kyoon
- Integrated Circuits &systems for Computing and Communication Prof. Choi, Woo-Seok
- Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing Lab Prof. Lee, Hyuk-Jae
Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Platform Research Group
In the future, the success of new technology will heavily rely on whether it would be able to utilize the vast amount of data generated in its respective field. Therefore, as we are determined to lead the future market, our group conducts research on the entire process of handling big data: designing efficient databases to store and manage data, running real-time data analysis and utilizing big data for artificial intelligence platforms in various technical fields (Healthcare, Computer vision, Search engines, Social network services, Computer security, etc.).
- Accelerated Intelligent Systems Lab (AISys) Prof. Lee, Jinho
- High Performance Computer System Lab Prof. Kim, Jangwoo
- Machine Perception and Reasoning Lab. Prof. Choi, Jonghyun
- M.IN.D Lab (Machine INtelligence and Data science) Prof. Moon, Taesup
- Networked Computing and ML Lab Prof. Lee, Kyunghan
- Knowledge Discovery and Database Research Lab. Prof. Shim, Kyuseok
- Machine Intelligence Lab. Prof. Jung, Kyomin
- Security Optimization Research (SOR) Lab. Prof. Paek, Yunheung
- Computer Security Lab Prof. Lee, Byoungyoung
- Real-Time Operating Systems Lab. Prof. Hong, Seongsoo
- AIDAS Laboratory (AI, Big Data, and System) Prof. Do, Jaeyoung
- Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Prof. Yoon, Sungroh
- Vehicle Intelligence Lab. Prof. Seo, Seung-Woo
- Computer Architecture and Systems Prof. Sim, Jaewoong
- Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing Lab Prof. Lee, Hyuk-Jae
- Computer-Aided Design Lab. Prof. Kim, Taewhan