

Professor Sang Kyun Cha research team, Wins 2nd prize at the China ZhongAn Insurance Hackathon

September 5, 2018l Hit 735

At the China ZhongAn Insurance Hackathon where around 40 teams participated, students from the laboratory of SNU professor Sang Kyun Cha won 2nd prize in the block chain track.
ZhongAn Hackathon took place over two days from 24th to 25th of August and hosted two separate tracks, AI and block chain track.
Participating teams consisted of graduate and post-doctoral students from universities including Fudan University and Tongji University. SNU professor Sang Kyun Cha’s research team were invited for participation.
Professor Sang Kyun Cha’s team took part in both tracks respectively and won 2nd prize in the block chain track and 5th in the AI track.
At the competition, where most of the submissions were applications, the team won the prize by suggesting a systematic approach for improvement.

Source: https://ee.snu.ac.kr/community/news?bm=v&bbsidx=47797
Translated by Kyungjin Lee, English Editor of Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, jin11542@snu.ac.kr