

Prof. Seung-Woo Seo, “The key to autonomous vehicles is SW”(ZDNet, 20180921)

October 4, 2018l Hit 426

SNU ECE Prof. Seung-Woo Seo, who is leading SNU Intelligent Vehicle IT Research Center, appeared at the National Assembly in person to talk about the difficulties of developing urban self-driving technology. He argued that future competition in autonomous vehicles has to be focused on software rather than the manufacturing process. He also emphasized the urgency of securing relevant personnel.

In the morning of the 21st in the National Assembly Member’s Office Building Conference Room No.1., Prof. Seo attended a policy discussion on the topic of ‘Without SW accumulation, innovation is unreachable, and without innovation, taking the lead is impossible’. During the debate, he commented, “Urban self-driving technology is among technologies with utmost difficulty. The vehicle must recognize crossroad signals, school buses stopping, and flag hand signals from police officers. Various scenarios must be examined such as situations in which delivery motorcycles are driving the wrong way.

Prof. Seo said, “On its own, autonomous vehicles must learn and identify roads under construction, full-size commercial vehicles such as trucks parking illegally in two-way streets, and U-turn only signs on the opposite lane. When it comes to the decision-making feature of the autonomous car, there are various dilemmas, but SNU is putting effort into ensuring that its autonomous vehicles recognize a variety of scenarios.

SNU Prof. Seung-Woo Seo is giving a lecture during the National Assembly policy discussion held on the 21st in the National Assembly Conference Room No.1.

SNU self-driving cars, which were the first in Korea to receive permission to drive downtown. Prof. Seung-Woo Seo led their development.

Prof. Seung-Woo Seo predicted that the key to autonomous vehicle operation would be software.

He explained, “Software determines the management of autonomous vehicles. If the software is problematic, not only does it affect the vehicle operation, but it also poses a threat to the passengers’ safety. Software development centered on AI is most important to the autonomous vehicle industry, and this requires securing human resources in the AI autonomous vehicle field.”

Last year June, SNU Intelligent Vehicle IT Research Center held a demonstration of autonomous vehicles that were modified versions of Genesis DH and SM6. The main aim was passing a self-driving test in the complex downtown, not in the highway. Prof. Seo stated, “The government allowed urban self-driving for the first time in Korea on January 15th, 2016. This indicates a great leap in technology and if the government does not lift restrictions related to self-driving, there will be difficulty in our nation’s advancement in the autonomous vehicle industry.”

The Intelligent IT Research Center is currently testing its autonomous vehicle multiple times. Prof. Seo plans to proceed with trial-rides open to the general public as soon as conditions allow.

The National Assembly policy discussion was organized by Sang Min Lee, Member of the Democratic Party of Korea and affiliated to the Science, ICT, Broadcasting, and Communications Committee of the National Assembly, hosted by ZDNet Korea and Software Engineering Promotion Association, and sponsored by the National IT Industry Promotion Agency.

During the discussion this day, along with Prof. Seung-Woo Seo, Ho Yeol Kwon, head of Software Engineering Promotion Association, also participated to give a lecture on ‘SW engineering ecosystem issue and institutional solutions’.

Source: http://ee.snu.ac.kr/community/news?bm=v&bbsidx=47959
Translated by: Jee Hyun Lee, English Editor of Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering