

Professor Kyuseok Shim, elected as an IEEE fellow

December 3, 2018l Hit 408

Professor Kyuseok Shim


According to SNU College of Engineering on the 21st of November, professor of Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Kyuseok Shim, was elected as a fellow of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, known as IEEE, a world-renowned organization. Professor Shim was acknowledged for his contribution in the development of datamining algorithms for Big Data processing and querying and optimization algorithms for database systems.

IEEE is a conference in the field of electrical, electronics, computer, and communications engineering, which currently has four hundred thousand members from 160 countries. The board of directors of IEEE recognizes members with significant achievements in the corresponding field by naming them as a fellow, which is the highest level that can be granted to only the top 0.1%.

Professor Shim graduated from Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of SNU and acquired his MS and PhD degrees at Maryland State University located in College Park of the United States. Since he was a PhD student, he conducted various research related to data mining and data base at Hewlett-Packard Labs, Federal Reserve System Committee, IBM Almaden research center, Bell Labs, and Microsoft research center. He once worked as an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science at KAIST. Currently at SNU, he has been striving to foster next generation intellectuals as a professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering since March of 2002 and also has been making significant contributions to domestic companies like Samsung through industry-academic collaborations. He served as an editor multiple times for professional journals including IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering and VLDB Journal. Also, he was recognized as a fellow of the prestigious international computer conference ACM in 2013.

Source: https://ee.snu.ac.kr/community/news?bm=v&bbsidx=48154
Translated by Kyungjin Lee, English Editor of Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, jin11542@snu.ac.kr