

Highly cited papers award ceremony (20181217)

January 2, 2019l Hit 712

The award ceremony for highly cited papers was held on December 17th, 2018, at the department’s conference room. Thirty-seven papers were selected as excellent papers with a great number of citations, and the awards were presented to the winner or each labs representative.


Kyounghoon Kim (Kiyoung Choi) DongOuk Kim (Seung Ki Sul) Jonghong Kim (Wonyong Sung) Seungjun Nah (Kyoung Mu Lee) Seonwoo Min (Sungroh Yoon)
Wonjae Shin (Jung Woo Lee) Hyewon Lee (Sunghyun Choi) Hyun-Sam Jung (Seung Ki Sul) 
Inhee Cho (Sung Jae Kim) Hyoungju Ji (Byounghyo Shim)
Kyungsik Eom (Sung June Kim) Changwon Nam (Saewoong Bahk) Sung-Guk Yoon (Saewoon Bahk) Woo Jin Choi (Kwang Seok Seo) YongIn Kwon (Yunheung Paek)
Mid-Eum Choi (Seun-Woo Seo) Sungmin Kim (Seung Ki Sul) Yong-Cheol Kwon (Seung Ki Sul) Wook-Jin Lee (Seung Ki Sul) Sajid (Wonyon Sung)
Dong-hwan Lee (Wonyong Sung) Tae Hyun Kim (Kyoung Mu Lee) Tae Hoon Kim (Kyoung Mu Lee) Junseok Kwon (Kyoung Mu Lee) Yong Seok Heo (Kyoung Mu Lee)
Bee Lim (Kyoung Mu Lee) Seung-Yeol Lee (Byoungho Lee) Jeonghoon Kwak (Changhee Lee) Young Joon Yoo (Jin Young Choi) Sangdoo Yun (Jin Young Choi)
Kwang Moo Yi (Jin Young Choi) Jongwon Choi (Jin Young Choi) Yunsik Joo (Yongtaek Hong)