

Professor Sung-Jae Kim awarded the Sinyang Engineering Research Award (2022.10.19.)

October 26, 2022l Hit 626

(From left to right) Dean of the College of Engineering, Yu-Seok Hong, Professor at the Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Jong-Hoon Woo, Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Yoo Kang, Professor at the Department of Material Science and Engineering, Jun-Sang Do, Professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hyung-Rok Do, Professor at the Department of Industrial Engineering, Geon-Soo Park, Professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Sung-Jae Kim.

The Dean of the College of Engineering, Yu-Seok Hong, announced on the 20th that he had selected 6 professors from the College of Engineering to be awarded the 2022 Sinyang Engineering Research Award.

Two from the field of education, three from the field of research, and one from the field of industry-university cooperation were selected for the 2022 Sinyang Engineering Research Awards. The awardees
from the field of education were Hyung-Rok Do (professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering), and Geon-Soo Park(professor at the Department of Industrial Engineering). From the field of research, the awardees were Jun-Sang Do (professor at the Department of Material Science and Engineering), Sung-Jae Kim (professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering), and Yoo Kang (professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering). The awardee from the field of industry-university cooperation was Jong-Hoon Woo (professor at the Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering).

The Dean of Engineering said, “There were difficulties within and outside the university, but because of the efforts in the education and research sectors, the College of Engineering could rise to the current position.” He also congratulated the awardees by saying, “The awards ceremony for the Sinyang Engineering Research Awards acts to congratulate and praise the works of the awardees, who have achieved much in education, research, and in industry-university cooperation. I hope the award would be a meaningful award that imbues the awardees with new challenges and social contributions engineering-wise.”

The Sinyang Engineering Research Award is an award given to exceptional young professors under the age of 49, who are promoted to professors or associate professors. The award has been operating since 2005 and is run by the fund contributed by the late Seok-Gyu Jeong, who was the Chairman of the Sinyang Cultural Foundation, an alumnus of the College of Engineering at Seoul National University, and the founder of the Taesung Rubber & Chemical Co., Ltd.


Source: https://ee.snu.ac.kr/community/news?bm=v&bbsidx=52926
Translated by: Do-Hyung Kim, English Editor of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, kimdohyung@snu.ac.kr