

Professor Jin-Ho Lee awarded the Best Paper Award from 2022 PACT. (2022.10.)

November 23, 2022l Hit 739

Professor Jin-Ho Lee’s lab was awarded the Best Paper Award from 2022 PACT (International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques), a leading academic conference on computer architectures, through the joint research of Yonsei University and Samsung Electronics.

The paper deals with research on solving the memory bandwidth problem, which was the bottleneck of graph neural network accelerators, through an active tile partitioning method, thereby greatly enhancing the performance.

The Best Paper Award is only awarded to one of the 50 most outstanding papers of the year. The paper was co-authored by Ph.D. students Min-Gi Yoo, Jae-Yong Song, Hye-Yoon Lee, and Joung-Hoo Lee, professor Young Sok Kim (Yonsei University), and Ph.D. Nam-Hyung Kim (Samsung Electronics).

Mingi Yoo, Jaeyong Song, Hyeyoon Lee, Jounghoo Lee, Namhyung Kim, Youngsok Kim, and Jinho Lee, "Slice-and-Forge: Making Better Use of Caches for Graph Convolutional Network Accelerators," in Proc. 31st International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT), Oct. 2022

Source: https://ece.snu.ac.kr/community/news?bm=v&bbsidx=53008

Translated by: Do-Hyung Kim, English Editor of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, kimdohyung@snu.ac.kr