

[Press Release] Honorary Chair Professor Deogkyoon Jeong Receives the 7th Daewon Kang Award

January 26, 2024l Hit 236

Deogkyoon Jeong (left in the photo), honorary chair professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Seoul National University, and Jinho An (right), a professor in the Department of Advanced Materials Engineering at Hanyang University and concurrently the Vice President of Research at Hanyang University, have been selected as the recipients of the 7th Daewon Kang Award, as announced by the Permanent Operating Committee of the Korea Semiconductor Academic Conference on the 25th. The Daewon Kang Award was established in 2017 to honor Dr. Kang Dae-won, who made significant contributions to the advancement of semiconductor technology.
Source: https://ece.snu.ac.kr/ece/news?md=v&bbsidx=54259  

Translated by: Jiyong Yoo, English Editor of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, cyoo7@snu.ac.kr