

[ECE Department] Professor Byonghyo Shim Wins Best Paper Award at the ICC’24 Conference (June 10th, 2024)

August 13, 2024l Hit 47

At the 2024 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC’24) held in Denver, USA, on June 10th, Professor Byonghyo Shim (Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Seoul National University; ECE Department of SNU) won the Journal of Communications and Networks (JCN) Best Paper Award with his paper, “6G R&D Vision: Requirements and Candidate Technologies.” Since its publication in 2022, this paper has gained significant attention from academia and industry, and it has been selected as the most popular article in the JCN journal with over 5,000 downloads. (June 10, 2024)

Source: https://ece.snu.ac.kr/ece/news?md=v&bbsidx=55756

Translated by: Jiyong Yoo, English Editor of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, cyoo7@snu.ac.kr