Korean test(1st 2014)
notice for Korean test(1st 2014)
2014학년도 1학기 석·박사학위 논문제출자격시험 외국인학생의 한국어시험 실시 안내
※this notie is only for the students who are going to take a Korean test
korean test
I. 한국어시험(필답고사)_writing test
- registration period : 2014. 2. 24(Mon) ~ 3. 7(Fri), submiting the application form to Lee, Jae-seon in ECE office.
- test date : 2014. 3. 21(Fri) 9:30 ~ 10:30(for 60min.)
- place : further notice
II. 한국어시험(구술고사)_speaking test
- how to apply
If you want to take a speaking test, notify the staff of that.
- test place : further notice
If you want to know more information for this Korean test, please refer to the guide book attached, page 21.