
Academic Affairs

Korean test(1st 2014)

February 17, 2014l Hit 6659

notice for Korean test(1st 2014)
2014학년도 1학기 석·박사학위 논문제출자격시험 외국인학생의 한국어시험 실시 안내
 ※this notie is only for the students who are going to take a Korean test

korean test
I. 한국어시험(필답고사)_writing test
- registration period : 2014. 2. 24(Mon) ~ 3. 7(Fri), submiting the application form to Lee, Jae-seon in ECE office.
- test date :  2014. 3. 21(Fri) 9:30 ~ 10:30(for 60min.)
- place : further notice
II. 한국어시험(구술고사)_speaking test 
- how to apply
If you want to take a speaking test, notify the staff of that.
- test place : further notice

If you want to know more information for this Korean test, please refer to the guide book attached, page 21.