I am writing this notice to ask you of the insurance type you are taking out. (This is from head office in SNU.)
If you are taking out insurance, let me know what kinds of insurances you are taking out.
Check the insurance type below.
(1)건강보험 means that the health insurance from ministry of health and welfare by korean Gov.
(2)민간업체보험 means the insurance korean local insurance company.
(3)자국보험 means the insurance by your own country(but this insurance provides you with benefit even if you are in Korea)
(4) if the insurance type is not included above (1) to (3), explain your insurance type.
If you are not taking out insure, just reply to this email that you don’t have any insurance.
If there is no reply by 14th April, I’ll assume you don’t have any insurance.
if you are the students who are taking semester off, dont need to reply. just for the students enrolled.
외국인 유학생 의료보험 가입 현황조사 협조요청
아래를 보시고 해당되는 보험 내역에 체크하여 방문선에서 회신하여 주시기 바랍니다.(
4/14(월)까지 회신 주세요.
1) 건강보험: 보건복지부에서 시행하는 지역건강보험
2) 민간업체보험: 국내 일반 보험업체에 가입하는 경우
3) 자국보험: 입국 전 유학생 소속국가에서 해외유학보험에 가입하여 한국에서도 의료보험혜택이 가능한 보험
4) 기타: 1)~3)에 포함되지 않으나 기타 의료보험 혜택을 보는 경우
4/14(월)까지 회신이 없을 경우, 보험 없음으로 알고 있겠습니다.
-Munseon from ECE office.