
Academic Affairs

Notice of NASA Ames Research Center Post-Doctoral Fellowship

November 14, 2014l Hit 4831

The NASA Ames Research Center (http://www.nasa.gov/centers/ames) is  located at Moffett Field, California (USA) in the heart of Silicon Valley. NASA Ames is a leader in information technology research and cutting-edge space exploration. More than 3,000 personnel are employed at Ames. In addition, approximately 300 graduate students, cooperative education students, post-doctoral fellows, and university faculty work at the Center.
1) ROBOTICS : Applicants should have a Ph.D. in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering,  Industrial Design, or related field. In addition, strong background in Linux-based software development (particularly with C++, Java, or Python) using open-source tools/libraries is highly preferred.
① Computer graphics: interactive 3D real-time, physics-based simulation, 3D model creation and optimization
② Human-computer interaction and interfaces: real-time 3D graphics, collaborative user interfaces, user experience (UX), user studies
③ Mobile robotics: navigation, perception, mechatronics (emphasis on  integrated sensor-actuator design), simulation, and manipulation
2) NANOTECHNOLOGY :  Applicants should have a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering or related  field. In addition, experience with COMSOL and Matlab, plus knowledge of SOI/Bulk silicon MOSFET technology, process integration, layout and mask fabrication, modeling, and/or electrical characterization is required.
① Nano devices: layout and mask fabrication, silicon wafer processing,  device simulation, device physics/modeling/characterization
② Nano energy harvesting and storage devices: nanoscale fabrication and characterization, energy harvesting principles,
3) SMALL SATELLITES : Applicants should have a Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, or related field. In addition, strong background in space systems design and/or pico-nano-cube sats is highly preferred.
① Embedded processing: embedded Android, smartphone-based avionics, service-oriented software architecture
② Proximity operations: control, sensors and perception, trajectory  computation, autonomous rendez-vous and docking
③  System engineering: cellular and modular architecture, aggregation
/disaggregation design methods, fractionated systems

needed documents 
1) a detailed CV,  2) description of software development experience.
where to submit the application documents : Building no.39 Room no.212 
deadline : 2014. 11. 17.  18:00
inquiry : (02) 880-8079