schedule for thesis defense, 2nd 2014(check attached file)
You need to check attached excel file(석사-모듈별 발표시간)
There is a detailed schedule for thesis defense.
-Presentation time is total 25 minutes. (presentation time : 15minutes, Q&A time : 10minutes)
-You can use bell if you want. (But you need to ask your friend to ring a bell.)
-you have to prepare for the following documents Before presentation and submit those following documents to the professors(three judging panels) Don't forget to fill in your personal information such as student number, your name... and so on _check the third attachment '33_석사논문결과제출양식')
2)석사학위논문심사 평가서 및 우수논문상 추천서(mandatory)
3)석사우수논문심사대상 자체평가서
Dealine for the following documents : 12/5(by 18:00) (check the third attachment '33_석사논문결과제출양식')
1)석사학위논문심사요지 (1 copy)
2)우수논문상 추천서
(1 copy, only for the student recommended by the professor needs to submit it.)
4)석사우수논문심사대상 자체평가서(if your thesis are recommended as 우수논문(extraordinary thesis) you should submit this doc.)
5)Each master program student can acquire the eligibility to submit dissertation only after he/she has submitted (as the first author) a minimum of 1 academic paper in an internationally or domestically renowned journal or presented (as the first author) a minimum of 1 academic paper at a conference.)
6)1 copy of your abstract(Korean and English, both of abstract are needed)
if you want to cancel(or extend) your thesis defense, you should notify the staff(Jeaseon LEE) of that by email or phone.(there is A document you need to fill out)