
Academic Affairs

A call for 장석규관명 Scholarship_2017.2nd semester

July 13, 2017l Hit 6080

1. Number of recipients  : Total 7 in Engineering College

2. Subsidies (Subsidized Period): only 1 semester 1,000,000 won

3. Eligibility

-Only enrolled international students(undergraduate, graduate both) can apply for this scholarship. GPA must be over 3.0

4. How to apply : fill out attached document( attachment 1). send it to staff by email (Ms. Jaeseon LEE, exlibjs@snu.ac.kr )

5. Submission due date : by 15:00 July 18th (Keep the deadline)


The application will be examined and evaluated by engineering college (not this dept. ) and a recommended applicant by engineering college will be notified by July 20th individually. then additional documents(attachment2) must be submitted to Engineering College by July 20.

(* 장학생 추천서, 자기소개서, 봉사활동 및 동아리활동서, 재학증명서, 성적증명서, 본인명의 통장사본, 소감문(계속자만))

7. submission and inquiry  : student center e생생 Ms. Jaeseon, LEE(T.880-1531, exlibjs@snu.ac.kr)


attachment 1. Application form

attachment 2. 재단 서식(최종 추천자에 한해 제출)

 Attachments (2)