
Academic Affairs

Schedule for thesis defense_2019 1st

March 25, 2019l Hit 3416

[updated information] check attached file, Notification for Thesis Submission in the First Semester 2019
The following notice is about ‘schedule for Dissertation evaluation for M.S. & Ph.D.’ 2019 1st

The staff who is in charge of this academic affairs is Ms.mina kim (only0713@snu.ac.kr) in ECE dept.

If you have any inquiry about academic affairs, contact her by email or drop by this office in person.



You must meet all the requirements( 1,2,3 and 4) for thesis defense.

1) QT and language test (TEPS, TOEFL etc.)

You have to pass both major exam and English test(or Korean Test). Those who fail to language test(TEPS, TOEFL etc.) cannot print out the bill even though you pass QT. So you need to check your status on my snu website.(It will be working only the designated period)

access to mysnu portal site - click '학사정보' -click' 졸업' -click '졸업시험 신청' - click '종합시험 판정결과 조회'

※ Students who have taken Qualify Test last March may also register for dissertation evaluation in this time. But you need to check the result QT in the middle of April. (Qualifying Test Announcement Date: in the middle of April.) In case of failure, the registration for dissertation evaluation must be canceled. So you need to notify the staff of the result.

2) Completion of Course Work


Course credits: A minimum of 24 (major) credits (including maximum of 6 research credits (Dissertation Research))

GPA: A minimum GPA of 3.0

Note that ‘24 credits’ means the courses only for major. Elective Courses are not included.



Course credits: A minimum of 36 (major) credits, including maximum of 12 research credits

(Integrated MS and PhD program: A minimum of 60 credits when credits obtained in the master’s program are included.)

GPA: A minimum GPA of 3.0


3) Record for paper or conference


Each master program student can acquire the eligibility to submit dissertation only after he/she has submitted (as the first author) a minimum of 1 academic paper in an internationally or domestically renowned journal or presented (as the first author) a minimum of 1 academic paper at a conference



Ph.D students acquire the eligibility to submit dissertations only after they have published (or obtained an acceptance letter) a minimum of 1 academic paper in an internationally renowned journal(SCI/SCIE) as the first author and presented or published a minimum of 1 among international conferences, domestic journals or registered international patents.


To submit a doctoral dissertation evaluation application form, students must, before the semester of the prospective conferment of their degrees, create the dissertation guidance committee, present and be approved of the dissertation proposal by the dissertation guidance committee, and submit the dissertation guidance report to the School Office by the end of the semester.



Prospective Graduation Date / Deadline for the Composition of the Dissertation Guidance Committee / Deadline for the Submission of the Dissertation Guidance Report


February 2018 / By the end of April 2017 / By the end of June 2017


August 2018 / By the end of October 2017 / By the end of December 2017



4) Others

-If you passed 4th semester which means you are a research student, you need to pay for research student fee, 200,000 won

(Last registration period: 2/25(월)~3/8(금), 3/20(월)~4/2(수))


[MS & PhD] Registration period for application (& How to apply)


Registration period (month/day)

: 2019. 3. 18.(월) ~ 4. 5.(금) 오후 5시까지

After on-line registration, you need to submit required documents to this office.

How to apply : log on https://ece.snu.ac.kr/graduation/   ->print it out by PDF file

(Check your e-mail very often. All the notices related to thesis dissertation will be sent by e-mail)


[MS & PhD] Registration period for paying for thesis defense fee


: 2019.4.19(금) ~ 4.30 (화)

-MS : 100,000 won

-PhD : 300,000 won

How to print the bill

: http://my.snu.ac.kr/ -> click '학사정보' -> click '졸업' -> click '논문관련' -> click '논문심사료 납부고지서' and print it out)

(Keep note that this fee cannot be refunded. There is no additional period for thesis defense fee)



1) required documents for MS(check the first attachment '11_석사논문 신청제출양식')

석사논문심사원_print out by online

지도교수 추천서(be sure that your thesis has to be confirmed by your thesis prof. when you get prof.'s signature on this document):(check file attached)

논문심사위원추천서(check file attached)

인권/성평등 교육 이수증 (Certificate for "Human Rights and Gender Equality")


연구윤리준수확인서(check file attached)

-Submitting the three of papers (thesises) to the staff in ECE Dept. : 2019년 5월 13일(월)~5월 16일(목) [4일간]

(write down your name, student number, degree, professors name(three judging panels) with a pencil on the bottom of your dissertation.)

 -Let her know that if your three judging panels are changed after this registration dates is closed. In that case, there is a form you need to submit to this office.

Dissertation Evaluation (Thesis Defense) oral presentation Date (month/date) :

2019년 5월 31일(금) tentative

The oral presentation place will be posted soon depending on what module you are in.

All the time you have is total 25 minutes. (oral presentation time : 15minutes // Q&A time and arrangement : 10 minutes )

- You can use bell if you want. (But you need to ask your friend to ring a bell.)

- You have to prepare for the three following documents, (1) (2) and (3) Before presentation. and submit those following documents to the professor(three judging panels) Don't forget to fill in your personal information such as student number, your name... and so on _ Check the third attachment '33_석사논문결과제출양식'



2)석사학위논문심사 평가서 및 우수논문상 추천서

3)석사우수논문심사대상 자체평가서


Deadline for the following documents (month/date) : 2019년 6월 7일(금)까지

(check the third attachment '33_석사논문결과제출양식)



2)우수논문상 추천서 (only for the student whose thesis are recommended by the professor needs to submit it)


4)석사우수논문심사대상 자체평가서(if your thesis is recommended as 우수논문(extraordinary thesis) you should submit this doc.)

5)According to our academic affairs regulation, Each master program student can acquire the eligibility to submit dissertation only after he/she has submitted (as the first author) a minimum of 1 academic paper in an internationally or domestically renowned journal or presented (as the first author) a minimum of 1 academic paper at a conference.)So you need to submit it which is related to above.

6)1 copy of your abstract (Korean and English, both of abstract are needed)



2) Required document for PhD (check the attachment ‘22-박사논문-신청제출양식’)

박사학위 논문심사 요구서 : print out registration page by online

지도교수 추천서(be sure that your thesis have to be confirmed by your thesis prof when you get professor’s signature on this document) : print out registration page by online

논문심사위원 추천서: print out registration page by online

외부심사위원 인적사항: print out registration page by online

외부심사위원 계좌이체 신청서_check attached file

(contact the staff in case of a foreign professor)

이력서_check attached file

Certificate for "Human Rights and Gender Equality" http://hrc.snu.ac.kr/

연구윤리준수 확인서 check attached file

**You should submit your thesis(paper) to 5 professors before one week prior to presentation date for thesis defense by yourself.**

The date for thesis defense oral presentation(초심): 2019년 4월 29일(월) ~ 5월 31일(금)

 (For one month)

keep note that notify the staff of your date/place/time for oral presentation by email or phone.

(Information for date and place of oral presentation will be updated on ECE website frequently)

You should book a seminar room for the presentation by yourself.

(contact ‘방장’ to book a seminar room)

If you want to cancel or extend your thesis defense date, you should notify the staff of that by email or phone. (there is a document you should fill out in that case)


Deadline for the following documents : by 2019 July 2 Check the attachment '44_박사논문_결과제출양식'



3.구술고사 성적표(the total number of 구술고사 성적표: 5)

4.투표용지(the total number of 투표용지: 5)

5.박사학위우수논문상 추천서


7.Academic paper in an internationally or domestically renowned journal or conference as the first author (like SCI) (Or international patent).


If you received SNU admission before 2008, then you need to submit a minimum of 1 academic paper(like SCI).


But if you enrolled 2008 or after 2008, then you need to submit a minimum of 2 academic papers.

Keep note that 2 SCI academic paper are not accepted. You need to prepare for each of SCI academic paper and conference paper)

It means SCI and internationally or domestically renowned journal.

8.Abstract 1 copy (Korean and English, both of abstract needed)


[MS and PHD] After you pass dissertation evaluation!!

학위논문(PDF 원문파일) 제출(submitting your thesis(original) by online(PDF)


1) period: ending up your thesis defense to the period for submitting your thesis to Central Library in person

(Before submitting the number of thesises to central library in person, you must submit the original thesis by online first)

2) how to submit it : http://library.snu.ac.kr→click“학술연구지원→ click “학위논문 온라인 제출”

학위논문(책자 논문) 제출(submitting your thesis to Central Library in person)

1)period: 2019.07.30(화) ~ 8.1(목)

2) where to submit: 2nd floor in Central Library (lobby reception)

3) how many thesises you need to submit : PHD 3, MS 3(one is original, the others are copies)

※ Check attachment (학위논문 원문제공 서비스에 대한 동의서). You need to add this attachment on your original thesis.

Add this attachment the next page of 인준지(인준지 is some kind of paper which includes your committee’s signature)

학부사무실에 제출할 것 (the documents you need to submit to this ECE office)


The period will be notified soon

(1) 학위논문 제출 확인서

* where to get it : 2nd floor in Central Library

if you want to print it out by online : http://library.snu.ac.kr→ click “학술연구지원”→ click “학위논문 온라인 제출” → click “제출내역”-> print it ( you can print it out after completing A and B)

※ All the books you borrow from central library must be returned.

(2) 논문의 외표지, 서론의 첫 페이지

(You must submit two kinds of paper. 1. first page of introduction (copy)_not the first page of abstract 2. cover of your thesis(copy))

take note that you must check your English name on mysnu websit

: mysnu.ac.kr → 학생행정 - > 개인정보 -> 기본인적


Graduation Ceremony (tentative) : 2019년 8월 29일(목) (tentative)