
Academic Affairs

Notice for Override Request Form (초안지)_2019 2nd semester

July 23, 2019l Hit 2074
This regulation for Override Request Form applies to the courses by Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Dept. in SNU.
As for the courses offered by ECE dept., there is a rule regarding submitting over-ride form. You are required to follow the procedure as below. Do not contact the professor individually regarding this over-ride form.

Step 1. Fill out the override form. Keep not that you don’t need to get the professor’s signature on that paper.
Step 2. Submit it to this ECE office(Building 301 Room 319) without prof’s signature on the paper on designated period (8/29-8/30 9/2-9/3)
Keep note that up to 2 subjects (courses) can be available to be submitted during the period for course overrides. This is not on a First-come, First-served Basis.

-Submission Date
:2019.08.29.(목), 8.30.(금), 9.2(월), 9.3(화) 09:00~18:00 (office hour)  / only for 4 days
(Office Closed For Holiday)
If you miss this date, the over-ride will be rejected.

-Result Announcement Date (Approval or Rejection)
: 2019. 9. 5.(목) 17:00(tentative)

- SNU Course (Registration) Modification period : 2019. 9.2.(월) ~ 9.6.(금) 09:00~18:00 / for 5 days
as for the permitted courses, those will be reflected by online.(sep.9 18:00)

Keep note this is not on a First-come, First-served Basis.
Submitting over-ride form does not mean that it is automatically approved.
After talking to each of professor for the class regarding accepting the over-ride form or not on the 3rd day of course modification period, the staff will notify students who submitted over-ride form to this office that their over-ride form have been approved or not on the 4th day of course modification period. Result for over-ride form (approval or not) will be announced on Sep. 5th 17:00 by text message or email.