
Academic Affairs

Graduation Ceremony, 2020 Aug.28

July 30, 2020l Hit 1676

-our dept.'s graduation ceremony will be conducted by Zoom on Aug. 28 2020 2:00pm
(Zoom address will be notified soon)

-74th online Commencement : Aug. 28 2020 at 10 am

photo & video contest for the class of 2020


-Photo zone: main gate in SNU , 2020. 8. 10.(월) ~ 2020. 8. 31.(월)
-Photo zone near by college of engineering
2020. 8. 17.(월) ~ 2020. 8. 31.(월), building38 1st floor 필로티(1층 외부공간) and building 301 2nd floor in door.

-when / how to borrow and return the gown: 2020. 8. 18.(화) ~ 2020. 8. 28.(금),Building 39 , storage (1st floor nearby guard office)