
Academic Affairs

Notice for Override Request Form (초안지)_2020 2nd semester

August 10, 2020l Hit 3259

This notice is intended for the students who wish to register for the ECE dept.'s courses by submitting override form.

keep note that the ECE dept's courses mentioned above mean that the courses offered by the Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering.


If you can understand Korean, you may check the regulation for override form and how to submit it by on-line, google survey,  https://forms.gle/9pw7tTTNCXWVqU69A   with the following address.
But keep note that in the survey, all is in Korean.

if you can not understand Korean, the way to submit override form is same as last semester.

fill out the form(see attached file) -> send it to me by email within the designated period, 2020. 9. 4.(금) 09:00 ~ 9. 8.(화) 18:00

I need to organize all the override forms submitted by email and hand it over to staff who is in charge of

If you succeed in registration for the course by registration site(on-line), you don’t need to submit override form by email.


Please, ignore this notice if you are not interested in taking courses offered by ECE dept. those who want to take courses offering by ECE dept. must follow the procedure as below.

where to submit override form depends on the courses offering dept. you may check this out as attached jpg file!

when you submit, email subject must be ‘[override form] course number(lecture number)’ And check your email very frequently!
the following courses are not allowed to be submitted by override form.

- 430.201A(001) Digital Logic Design and Lab
- M2608.001500(001) Seminar in Electrical and Computer Engineering 2

 - M2608.001600(002) Seminar in Electrical and Computer Engineering 3


If you are not ECE dept.’s exchange student,

override form cannot be submitted for courses which are already full by the registration site as of Aug. 20th 16:00 (registration deadline) and only those courses that have not closed can be submitted.

Due to the COVID-19 , Override Request Form needs be submitted by on-line within the designated period, Sep. 4 to Sep. 8. 2020 (Korea Local Time)

Fill out attached file
-designated period  : 2020. 9. 4.() 09:00 ~  9. 8.() 18:00 09:00~18:00 by e-mail Korea local time
Result Announcement Date (Approval or Rejection) 2020. 9. 11.() 17:00 tentative
- SNU Course (Registration) Modification period 2020. 9. 1.() ~ 9. 14.() 09:00~18:00

As for the permitted courses, those will be reflected by online.( 9/15() 18:00 )!

This regulation for Override Request Form applies to the courses offered by Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Dept. in SNU.

(NOT all the courses by College of Engineering)

Keep note this is not on a First-come, First-served Basis.
Submitting over-ride form does not mean that it will be automatically approved.

After talking to each of professor for the class regarding accepting the over-ride form or not on the 3rd day of course modification period, the staff will notify students who submitted over-ride form to this office that their over-ride form have been approved or not on the 4th day of course modification period. Result for over-ride form (approval or not) will be announced on Sep. 11th17:00 by text message or email.


Once again, As for the courses offered by ECE dept., there is a rule regarding submitting over-ride form. You are required to follow the procedure as below.

Do not contact the professor individually regarding this over-ride form.

Individual approval from the professor does not affect at all.

some of the courses such as 430.207B are restricted to regular students in the department of ECE at SNU which means exchange students are not allowed to take. in course registration site, you may see Remark ''R'' which means these are restricted.
To check details, you are required to see course details by click the course.
See the part of ‘restricted course’ and ‘restricted course for foreigners’
Even though all two things refer to ‘No’, it could be not registered if it is stating that course is restricted by student number. I am afraid that you need to check in Korean in the registration site to check the student number.
If you are confused, just let me know that by email including course title, course number and the instructor so that I ask the staff who is in charge of that.
The courses including experiment(practice) such as ‘Introduction to Circuit Theory and Laboratory’ are not allowed to take by exchange students.
In terms of seminar course, even though you succeed in course registration though on-line, you will be notified that the course is only for regular students. in that case, you are not allowed to take.
it remarks ''seminar/a restricted course(only for ECE dept. regular students(not exchange students)''

Step 1. Fill out the override form attached.

Keep not that you don’t need to get the professor’s signature on that paper.

Step 2. Submit it to me by e-mail without prof’s signature on the paper on designated period (2020. 9. 4.() 09:00 ~  9. 8.() 18:00)

Keep note that up to 2 subjects (courses) can be available to be submitted during the period for course overrides.

(If you submit it stating 3 subjects or more, all the courses will be cancelled)

This is not on a First-come, First-served Basis.

please, write correct information such as the reason to withdrawal of the course, which college and department you belong to, course number, student ID, name, Lec. No. , cellphone number. The student is responsible for any disadvantages resulting from incorrect information.

- Submission Date for Override Request Form

: 2020. 9. 4.() 09:00 ~  9. 8.() 18:00

If you miss this date, the over-ride will be rejected.

Once the deadline has passed, you will not be able to make it change.

-Result Announcement Date (Approval or Rejection)

: 2020. 9. 11.() 17:00 Korea Local Time(tentative)


Keep note this is not on a First-come, First-served Basis.

Submitting over-ride form does not mean that it is automatically approved.

After talking to each of professor for the class regarding accepting the over-ride form or not on the 3rd day of course modification period, the staff will notify students who submitted over-ride form to this office that their over-ride form have been approved or not on the 4th day of course modification period. Result for over-ride form (approval or not) will be announced on Sep. 11th17:00 by text message or email.

 Attachments (2)