
Academic Affairs

Temporary Screening Clinics in the Seoul metropolitan area due to the spread of COVID-19

January 11, 2021l Hit 1986

Temporary Screening Clinics in the Seoul metropolitan area due to the spread of COVID-19

Recently, COVID-19 Pandemic continues in national scale. Each university should actively guide its students to comply with the quarantine guidelines and to receive an immediate examination in case of symptoms.
In addition, the metropolitan area has established and operated a temporary screening inspection center for anyone regardless of whether they have symptoms or epidemical connection, so each university should inform foreign students about the operation of a temporary screening center in the metropolitan area to help prevent the outbreak of COVID-19.

※ Information on operating temporary screening center in metropolitan area
(Operation period) 2020.12.14. ~ 2021.1.17.
(Operating hour) 9AM ~ 6PM(Operating hours may vary by screening center, so check is required.)
(Using) Free inspection anonymously regardless of region of birth(foreigners can also use)
(Location) Check out the government's flagship blog, ‘정책공감’(https://blog.naver.com/hellopolicy)
Seoul City Hall Homepage:  http://english.seoul.go.kr/additional-installation-of-temporary-screening-clinics-for-citizens-free-covid-19-testing/

장 소 운영기간 검사시간 방역 시간 한파특보 단축운영
oGwanak-gu Sports Center (낙성대로3길37)
oSillim Sports Center (난곡로58길13)
2020.12.14.(월) ~2021.1.16.(토) (월~금) 10:00~17:00 (토) 10:00~15:00 (일) 미운영 12시~13시 미운영 기간 : 2021.1.7.(목)~1.9.(토) 시간 : 11:00~15:00 (방역시간없음) ※ 1.11.(월)부터 기존대로 운영

관악구 보건소 선별진료소 (변동없음, 문의: 관악구 보건행정과 02-879-7103)
when you have to try to retest for Covid19, you must go and get retested for it at Gwanak-gu Public Health Center(관악구 보건소 선별진료소)


address 운영기간 검사시간 방역시간 note
 관악로 145  (관악구청 옆 ) 2020.12.8.(화)~  
(월~금) 09:00~21:00
(토) 09:00~18:00
o월~금 미운영 시간
(1차) 12시~13시
(2차) 18시~19시
o토,일 미운영 시간
(1차) 13시~14시
when you have to try to retest for Covid19, you must go and get retested for it at Gwanak-gu Public Health center(관악구 보건소 선별진료소)  ※임시선별검사소는 익명    검사로 대상자 파악 어려움