
Academic Affairs

The 75th graduation ceremony

January 21, 2021l Hit 1300

The 75th graduation ceremony in Seoul National University has been announced as following notice.

  1. 2. 26.() 10:00 , by streaming

» Graduation Ceremony held by the Dept. of ECE
2021. 2. 26.(Fri) 2 pm / by Zoom
zoom address will be notified soon.

photo zone provide by head office

where: in around main gate in SNU

period: 2021. Feb. 1st (mon) ~ 2021. Feb. 28th (sun)


photo zone provide by college of engineering

where: building 38 1st floor 필로티(1 외부공간) and building 300 2nd floor

period: 2021. 2.15.() ~ 2021. 2.28.()


How to borrow gown for graduation
-where to borrow
2021. Feb. 15th (mon) ~ 2021. Feb.26.(fri) 10

-how to borrow and return:
there is a desk on the 1st floor building 39 -> fill out your personal information and borrow the gown. You must bring identify card. Not the student card

for more details, please refer to the following notice.
