
Academic Affairs

students who are going to graduate in 2021 Aug. must read this notice.

July 16, 2021l Hit 2661

You may check all the related attached files by http://ece.snu.ac.kr/community/notice/academic?bm=v&bbsidx=51470

학위논문(PDF 원문파일) 제출(submitting your graduation thesis(original) by online(PDF)

-submission period: 2021.07.27() – 08.11() *meet the deadline
-how to : homepage upload


Individually uploaded to the digital academic information distribution system (dCollection) of the Korea Education and Research Information Service (KERIS)

(한국교육학술정보원(KERIS)의 디지털 학술정보 유통시스템(dCollection)에 개별 업로드)


Submission: Central Library website> Library service> Submission of thesis> Online submission of thesis

제출처: 중앙도서관 홈페이지 > 도서관 서비스 >학위논문 제출 > 학위논문 온라인 제출

You must read attached fil 1 to proceed thesis submission.


학부사무실에 제출할 (the documents you need to submit to this ECE office)

Submission date: 2021.07.27() – 08.11() (building 301 room 319) Ms. Mina KIM

 (1) 학위논문 제출 확인서(verification of submission for graduation thesis)

 * where to get it : 2nd floor in Central Library

 if you want to print it out by online : http://library.snu.ac.kr→ click “도서관 서비스”→ click “학위논문 제출” → click “제출내역”-> print it

  All the books you borrow from central library must be returned.

 (2) 인준지

(3) 논문의 외표지, 서론의 페이지

 (You must submit two kinds of paper. 1. first page of introduction (copy)_not the first page of abstract 2. cover of your thesis(copy))

 take note that you must check your English name on mysnu websit

 : mysnu.ac.kr → 학생행정 - > 개인정보 -> 기본인적