
Academic Affairs

[Ph.D.] Schedule for Ph.D. Preliminary Dissertation Evaluation_2022 2nd semester

September 20, 2022l Hit 1529



Keep note that this notice is for the Ph.D. students who are expected to graduate in Aug. 2023


PhD students who are expected to graduate in Aug. 2023 must submit the following documents to Ms. Min-a Kim who is in charge of academic affairs in graduate school this ECE office within a designated period.


You may see all files related to this notice through the website below. (All the related files can be found through the link below.)




1) Deadline for submitting the document ''Composition of Dissertation Guidance Committee''(위원위촉보고서_file 1)

: 20221011() ~ 114()


2) Deadline for submitting the document called ''Dissertation Guidance Report''(논문지도결과보고서_file 2) and ''국제학술지게재확인서_file 2''

: 2022125() ~ 2023127()


3) Inquiry : ECE office, Ms. Min-a Kim (880-7304, only0713@snu.ac.kr )


(snacks for committee members(professors) will be provided by ECE office. So please, drop by this office to pick it up before the date of Preliminary Dissertation Evaluation.)




-예심에서의 위원장은 지도교수입니다. 실제로 논문심사 받는 학기에는 2명의 심사위원이 추가되어 심사위원은 5(이상)이고 지도교수님이 부위원장이 되십니다.


in preliminary dissertation evaluation, the chair is the thesis advisor. But in the evaluating semester, two additional committee members are supposed to be added. so the number of committee member is 5. (Chair, Vice Chair (the advisor is the vice-chairman), 3 of Committee Members)


-국제학술지게재확인서는 게재한 학생과 아직 게재하지 못한 학생 모두 제출해야 하는 바, 아직 게재하지 못한 학생은 양식 하단의 논문이 게재되지 않은 경우란에 지도교수님 서명 확인 후 제출하시기 바랍니다.



- The International Academic Publication Confirmation(국제학술지게재확인서) must be submitted to both students who have published and those who have not yet published.


If you have yet to be published, you need to submit it after confirming the signature of the advisor in the ‘If thesis has not been published’ box at the bottom of the form.



-예심은 심사료 납부 및 온라인 접수가 없습니다.


There is no payment or online application for preliminary dissertation evaluation.