[Graduate School] Schedule for Qualification Test(QT), 2025 1st semester
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Students who wish to apply for the application should refer to the following and submit the application form within the application period.
[MS_PhD_Integrated_Degree Program students] Students must apply for (PhD)QT in their 3rd semester.
You need to check Korean Board. → https://ece.snu.ac.kr/community/academics?md=v&bbsidx=56136
If not, email me or drop by this ECE office to check the eligibility to apply for QT.
◆ 1. Registration Period: 2025. 1. 20(Mon) ~ 2. 3(Mon) 17:00 [Keep the deadline]
During the period, visit https://ee.snu.ac.kr/graduation/ then fill out the form online and print it out.
You need to submit application form including other required documents to this ECE office (building 301 room 319, Cho Seonhee).
Please note your picture must be attached on the application form.
Your picture must be on the form and it includes the advisor’s signature and yours.
If you want to cancel the on-line registration that you’ve done already, let her know the cancellation by email or in person.
◆ 2. Qualifying Test (QT) Date : 2025. 3. 14. (Fri) 10:00 ~ 12:00 (for 2 hours)
※ You have to come in by 09:50
You may not enter the test room once the test starts. You may leave the test room 1 hour later from the test start (time).
◆ 3. Eligibility for QT
You need to meet all requirements to take QT(exam). Only eligible students can register and take the test(QT). Check the following eligibilities before you apply.
[Master Degree Program students and the students submitted the waiver document(포기원) even though he/she was admitted by integrated master's/doctoral program]
1) Completion of at least 2 semester
2) A minimum of 6 credits of ECE Department’s graduate courses obtained *except: ①research course(대학원논문연구) ②S/U courses ③Mandatory seminar course(붙임3 참고)
3) [인권/성평등교육] Certificate of completion: "Online Education for Human Rights and Gender Equality"
4) [안전환경교육] Certificate of completion: "Safe environment education"
5) [생명존중(자살예방)교육] Certificate of completion: : ‘’Life-respect-course(education for life protection)’’
[PhD Degree Program students and Integrated master's/doctoral program students ]
1) Completion of at least 2 semester(Integrated master's/doctoral program students must have registered 3 semesters or more)
2) A minimum of 6 credits of ECE Department’s graduate courses obtained *except: ①research course(대학원논문연구) ②S/U courses ③Mandatory seminar course(붙임3 참고)
3) [인권/성평등교육] Certificate of completion: "Online Education for Human Rights and Gender Equality"
4) [안전환경교육] Certificate of completion: "Safe environment education"
5) [생명존중(자살예방)교육] Certificate of completion: : ‘’Life-respect-course(education for life protection)’’
You need to have the three kinds of certificates such as 인권/성평등교육, 안전환경교육, 생명존중(자살예방)교육.
if you don't have it, please email me first.(seonhee@snu.ac.kr).
The number of subjects: 8 subjects.
Please kindly find the attached file for subjects. (You need to choose only 2 subjects and solve them during the test)
Previous test can be found through our ECE website. (log in first)
Result for QT will be announced in April.
seonhee@snu.ac.kr (Cho Seonhee)
building 301 room 319
- 붙임1-대학원 논문제출자격시험 교과목표(2025-1).hwp (31 KB, download:9)
- 붙임2-논문제출자격시험 종합 점수 및 각 항목별 점수 일람(2025-1).hwp (57 KB, download:9)
- 붙임3-특강 형식의 모듈별 석사 및 박사세미나 목록(2025-1).hwp (81 KB, download:9)