


- Feb. 1986, B.S., Dept. of Computer Engineering, Seoul National Univ.
- Feb. 1988, M.S., Dept. of Computer Engineering, Seoul National Univ.
- Dec. 1994, Ph.D., Dept. of Computer Science, University of Maryland at College Park


- 1988-1989, ETRI (Member of Technical Staff)
- 1994-1995, University of Maryland, (Faculty Research Associate)
- 1995-1995, Silicon Graphics Inc. (Member of Technical Staff)
- 1995-1997, So.EE, Seoul National Univ. (Full-Time Lecturer)
- 1997-2001, So.EE&CS, Seoul National Univ. (Assistant Professor)
- 2001-2006, So.EE&CS, Seoul National University, Seoul National Univ. (Associate Professor)
- 2006-Present, So.EE&CS, Seoul National University, Seoul National Univ. (Professor)

Research Interest

- Real-Time Systems
- Real-Time Middleware
- Operating Systems
- Software Engineering