


1984, Dept. of Control & Instrumentation, Seoul National Univ., BS
1986, Dept. of Control & Instrumentation, Seoul National Univ., MS
1993, Dept. of EE, Univ. of Southern California, Ph. D.


1993-1994, Research Associate, Signal & Image Processing Institute, USC
1995-2003, Assistant/Associate Professor, Dept. of EE. Hong-Ik University
2003-present, Associate Professor, Dept. of EECS, Seoul National University
2009-2011, Director, Research Support Center, College of Engineering, Seoul National University
2009-2011, Vice Dean for Research Affairs, College of Engineering, Seoul National University
2012-2014, Director, ASRI (Automation and Systems Research Institute), Seoul National University
2014-2019, Associate Editor in Chief, IEEE Trans. on PAMI (Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence)
2018-2021, President, Korean Computer Vision Society (KCVS)
2018, General Chair, ACM MM (Multimedia) 2018
2018, General Chair, ACCV (Asian Conference on Computer Vision) 2018
2019, General Chair, IEEE-CVF ICCV (International Conference on Computer Vision) 2019
2018-2021 President, Korean Computer Vision Society (KCVS)
2020-Present, Director, Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Artificial Intelligence, Seoul National University
2020-Present, Member of Korean Academy of Science and Technology (KAST)
2020-Present, Member of the National Academy of Engineering of Korea (NAEK)
2021-Present, IEEE Fellow

Research Interest

▪ Computer Vision
▪ Artificial Intelligence
▪ Machine Learning
▪ Robot Vision
▪ Image and Video Processing
▪ Multimedia