

  • Ph.D. : Ph.D. in Carnegie Mellon University (2008)
  • Major : Computer Architecture, Mobile/Server System
  • Research Areas : Computer Architecture, System Design
  • File(2) : Jangwoo Kim (HPCS Lab).pdf


B.S., Electrical Engineering, Cornell University (1997)
M.Eng., Computer Science, Cornell Universtiy (2001)
Ph.D., Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University (2008)


2008-2009, CPU/System Architect, Sun Microsystems
2009-2010, CPU/System Architect, Oracle Corporation
2010-2017, Assistant/Associate Professor, Computer Science and Engineering, POSTECH
2017-2019, Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Seoul National University
2019-Now, Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Seoul National University

Research Interest

- CPU, Server, Datacenter Architecture
- System Modeling and Simulation
- Cloud/Datacenter Computer System
- Neuromorphic Computer System
- Cryogenic Computer System