

연구실 소개 및 연구분야

Our laboratory, within the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, focuses on the study of water. Electrical engineering has made remarkable advancements based on the movement of electrons in silicon under electromagnetic fields. Taking this a step further, controlling ions in water with electromagnetic fields can be applied across various fields. By applying an electromagnetic field to water contained within nanostructures, we can implement liquid-based semiconductor devices such as resistors, diodes, ion field-effect transistors (IFETs), and memristors.

Leveraging these properties, we enable AI computation using water and gain crucial insights into biological phenomena, such as the movement of ions across cell membranes. From an engineering perspective, our work is innovating tools for applications in environmental, energy, and biomedical fields, including biosensors and seawater desalination devices. This research provides essential clues to solving the water-energy nexus, which is intertwined with both water and energy. Developing these insights is a core mission of our laboratory.

최근 관심분야 및 주요 연구과제

- Micro/nanofluidics
- Nano-scale electrokinetics
- Liquid-state semiconductors
- Ionic Field Effect Transistor
- Active ion control
- Water mining
- Desalination/purification

주요 논문/특허