

[세미나] [4과세미나]3/27_Brain and the Second Machine Age

2014.03.20.l 조회수 13187
연사 : 김대식 교수(KAIST)
일시 : 2014-03-27 17:00 ~ 18:00
장소 : 서울대학교 제1공학관(301동) 102호

Brain and the Second Machine Age


• 연사 : 김대식 교수

일시 : 2014년 3월 27일 (목) 오후 5:00~6:00

장소 : 서울대학교 제1공학관(301동) 102호




Abstract : With 50 million neurons and several hundred kilometers of axons terminating in almost one trillion synapses for every cubic centimeter, and consuming only about 12 watts energy for the entire cortex, the brain is arguably one of the most complex and densely packed, yet highly efficient information processing systems known.  It is also the seat of sensory perception, motor coordination, memory, and creativity – in short, what makes us humans to humans. There are fascinating complementarities between human brains and artificial information processing systems created by humans: what appears to be challenging for us, seems easy for computers, while highly demanding problems for computers and robots such as face recognition and smooth locomotion are mastered without much difficulties by humans. I will argue in this talk that many of the computationally hard problems of perception and action appear to be easy to humans precisely because they have been successfully solved by the brain during the course of its evolution and ontogeny. The corollary of this claim is that the structure and function of the brain may already contain solutions to many of the hard problems faced by artificial intelligence and cognitive robotics systems today.



l 학력

독일 Darmstadt University of Technology 학사(1987-1991)

독일 Max-Planck-Institute for Brain Research 석사/박사(1992-1994)

미국 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.) postdoc(1994-1996)

l 경력

일본이화학연구소(RIKEN) 연구원(1996-1997)

미국 University of Minnesota 연구교수, 조교수(1998-2003)

미국 Boston University 부교수, Center for Biomedical Imaging 소장(2003-2009)

KAIST 전직및전자과정교수(2009-현재)

l 기타경력

조선일보“김대식의 브레인 스토리” 연재, 중앙선데이 “김대식의 Big Questions” 연재


전기정보공학부 홈페이지 :http://ece.snu.ac.kr/                     정보기술사업단

담당교수 :전기정보공학부 최두환, 남상욱           문의 : 02)880-8432 심현진 hjshim@ael.snu.ac.kr