

[세미나] Open Innovation - "Open innovation for global success"

2014.10.07.l 조회수 12050
연사 : 짐 화이트허스트(Jim Whitehurst) 레드햇 회장 겸 CEO
일시 : 2014-10-13 15:30 ~ 16:30
장소 : 302동 409호

▶ 일시: 2014년 10월 13일 오후 3시 30분 ~ 4시 30분


▶ 장소: 302동 409호


▶ 연사: 짐 화이트허스트(Jim Whitehurst) 레드햇 회장 겸 CEO (첨부 참고)


▶ 주제: Open Innovation


▶ 내용: "Open innovation for global success"
2014 is set to be a defining year for technology industry. Organizations around the world are adopting a renewed attitude towards open source solutions and more customers are looking to open source to drive innovation within their organizations.
Open innovation is fast becoming the winning factor to compete in global markets, as open source becomes the de facto standard to address digital business transformation and the Third Platform (Social, Big Data, Mobile and Cloud). Organizations must innovate or risk getting left behind. In his lecture, CEO & President, Jim Whitehurst shares his insights on how IT is transforming businesses around the world and how Korea can gain their competitive edge against world players with open source technology.