[세미나] [전기전자세미나] 3월 30일 Soft Artificial Skin Sensors and Muscle Actuators for Future Wearable and Assistive Robots
¾ 연사: 박용래 서울대학교 기계항공공학부 교수
¾ 일시: 2017년 3월 30일 (목) 오후 5:00~6:00
¾ 장소: 서울대학교 제1공학관(301동) 118호
Innovation in soft sensor and actuator technologies is extremely important for future robots for increased human-safety and human-robot interaction. This talk will describe the design and manufacturing processes for developing biologically inspired soft robots, including: i) hyperelastic artificial skin sensors with multi-modal sensing capability; ii) smart pneumatic artificial muscle actuators inspired by biological muscles; and iii) soft robots integrated with the soft sensors and actuators as application systems. The talk will also discuss novel manufacturing technologies for building multi-material, multi-functional, smart composite soft microstructures.
l Education
2010 Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University
2005 M.S. Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University
2000 B.S. Industrial Engineering, Korea University
l Employment
2016~ Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering,
Seoul National University
2013~2016 Assistant Professor, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University
2010~2013 Technology Development Fellow, Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering, Harvard University
l Awards & Honors
2014 Okawa Foundation Research Grant Award
2013 IEEE Sensors Journal Best Paper Award
2010 Wyss Technology Development Fellowship, Harvard University