

[세미나] [전기전자세미나] 4/20 (목) Next-Generation Intelligent Computer Systems

2017.04.13.l 조회수 9396
연사 : 김장우교수님
일시 : 2017-04-20 17:00 ~ 18:00
장소 : 301동 118호

Next-Generation Intelligent

Computer Systems



¾연사: 김장우 서울대학교 전기·정보공학부 부교수

¾일시: 2017년 4월 20일(목) 오후 5:00~6:00

¾장소: 서울대학교 제1공학관(301동) 118호



The next-generation computer systems must satisfy many design goals such as performance, energy efficiency, scalability, and reliability, for running a wide spectrum of emerging applications such as artificial intelligence, cloud computing, big data, Internet-of-Thing, and neuromorphic applications.

However, it is extremely difficult for a “system architect” to come up with the best computer architecture designs and system software solutions to achieve all the critical design goals in the most cost-effective way. In this talk, I will first introduce emerging server applications and their system design behaviors. Next, I will describe key limitations of conventional systems. Finally, I will introduce extremely promising next-generation computer systems including my proposals, to resolve the important issues in the most cost-effective way.



l 학력

2008   PhD, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University,

2001   MEng, Computer Science, Cornell University,

1997   BS, Electrical Engineering, Cornell University

l 주요 경력

2017~현재    서울대학교 전기·정보공학부 부교수

2016~현재    ACM SIGARCH 컴퓨터구조연구회 Korea Chapter 회장

2010~2017   포항공과대학교 컴퓨터공학과 조교수/부교수

2012-2015    삼성전자 SW센터 클라우드/데이터센터 기술 자문

2009-2010    Oracle Corporation, System Architect

2008-2009    Sun Microsystems, CPU Architect