

[세미나] [전기전자세미나] 11월 02일 MEMS in Medicine: Looking Back and Looking Forward

2017.10.26.l 조회수 8044
연사 : Mark G. Allen (Alfred Fitler Moore Professor of ESE and Director, Singh Center for Nanotechnology, University of Pennsylvania)
일시 : 2017-11-02 17 ~ 18
장소 : 서울대학교 제1공학관(301동) 118호

826. MEMS in Medicine:

Looking Back and Looking Forward


¾연사: Mark G. Allen (Alfred Fitler Moore Professor of ESE1 and Director,

Singh Center for Nanotechnology, University of Pennsylvania)

ESE1 (Electrical and Systems Engineering)

¾일시: 2017년 11월 02일(목) 오후 5:00~6:00

¾장소: 서울대학교 제1공학관(301동) 118호



Microelectromechanical systems, or MEMS, trace their history back almost five decades. Since their conception, forward thinkers have considered their use in biomedical applications for the monitoring and ultimately treatment of disease. This presentation will discuss some of the historical foundations of MEMS in medicine, and illustrate their current use through several examples from our own laboratory, including: microfabricated in-vitro interfaces to electrogenic cells; implantable micromachined neural interfaces made from collagen protein; and endovascularly-implantable wireless RF pressure sensors. The talk will conclude with a discussion of future directions and prospects for MEMS in medicine, including prospects for scientific advance and commercialization.



  • 학력

    1989   Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology

    1986   S.M. in Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

    1988   B.S.E. in Electrical Engineering, University of Pennsylvania

    1984   B.S.E. in Chemical Engineering, University of Pennsylvania

    1984   B.A in Chemistry, University of Pennsylvania

  • 주요경력

    2013.09. – now    : Professor, University of Pennsylvania,

    Department of Electrical and Systems Engineering and Director,

    Singh Center for Nanotechnology, University of Pennsylvania

    1989.09.–2013.08.: Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology,

    School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

  • 기타사항

    Research website: http://mems.seas.upenn.edu

    Email: mallen@upenn.edu

Singh Center website: http://nano.upenn.edu