

[세미나] Nonlinear effects in optical fibers : limitations and possibilities

2018.05.28.l 조회수 6916
연사 : Prof. Mário Ferreira (Universidade de Averio, Portugal)
일시 : 2018-05-29 11:45 ~ 12:15
장소 : 301동 103호


■  연 사 : Prof. Mário Ferreira (Universidade de Averio, Portugal)

■  일 시 : 2018년 5월 29일 (화) 11:45-12:15 

■  장 소 : 301동 103호

■ Abstract

Nonlinear effects in optical fibers impose different limitations on the communications link, and an understanding of such effects is almost a prerequisite for actual lightwavesystem designers. On the other hand, they offer a variety of possibilities for all-optical signal processing, plification and regeneration. The nonlinear effects are enhanced dramatically, and new phenomena are observed in the so-called photonic crystal fibers. In this paper, we review the effects — both detrimental and potentially beneficial — of optical nonlinearities in conventional and in photonic crystal fibers.


Keywords: Optical fibers; nonlinear fiber optics; nonlinear effects.


■ Biography                                                                

Mário F. S. Ferreira was born in Ovar, Portugal. He graduated in Physics from the University of Porto, Portugal,  and he received the Ph.D. degree in Physics in 1992 from the University of Aveiro, Portugal, where he is now a Professor at the Physics Department.

Between 1990 and 1991 he was at the University of Essex, UK, performing experimental work on external cavity semiconductor lasers and nonlinear optical fiber amplifiers. His research interests have been concerned with the modeling and characterization of multi-section semiconductor lasers for coherent systems, quantum well lasers, optical fiber amplifiers and lasers, soliton propagation, polarization and nonlinear effects in optical fibers. He is actually the leader of the Optics and Optoelectronics Group of the I3N – Institute of Nanostructures, Nanomodelling and Nanofabrication. He has written about 300 scientific journal and conference publications, a book with the title: “Optics and Photonics” (Lidel, 2003, in Portuguese) and another with the title: “Nonlinear Effects in Optical Fibers” (Wiley & OSA, May 2011).