

[세미나] [BK21플러스] Cybersecurity in the Era of AI

2018.06.11.l 조회수 7462
연사 : 장지용 박사
일시 : 2018-06-19 13:30 ~ 14:30
장소 : 서울대학교 제 2공학관 302동 520호



Title : Cybersecurity in the Era of AI


일시 : 2018619() 13:30-14:30

장소 : 서울대 제 2 공학관 302520

강연자 : 장지용 박사

소속 : Cognitive Cybersecurity Intelligence (CCSI) Group at the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center



Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques have shown great success in a variety of tasks, such as visual analysis and speech recognition. In this talk, I introduce the security research pursued at IBM Research, and discuss how AI has been adopted in both offensive and defensive cybersecurity. Adversaries pose threats on AI applications, and weaponize AI to harden and amplify their attacks to be more evasive and adaptive. In order to counter such AI-powered attacks, we develop deep neural network (DNN) watermarking to protect the intellectual property of AI models, and leverage AI to provide more effective and efficient threat detection and investigation methods, including beaconing detection and Watson for cybersecurity.

Jiyong Jang is a Research Scientist in the Cognitive Cybersecurity Intelligence (CCSI) Group at the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center. He received his Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University. His research interests include most areas of computer security, with an emphasis on software and network security. His current research focuses on cognitive security offense analytics and big data security analytics for malware analysis, software security, network security, and web security in complex networking systems.

문의 : 전기정보공학부 백윤흥교수님 연구실 Tel. 02-880-1742