[세미나] [전기전자세미나] 11월 1일 Data Science in Smart Supply Chain: the Future of Retail
855. Data Science in Smart Supply Chain : the Future of Retail
■연사: Jian Pei, VP of JD.com and Professor of CS, Simon Fraser Univ.
■일시: 2018년 11월 01일(목), 17:00 ~ 18:00
■장소: 서울대학교 제1공학관(301동) 118호
The future of retail depends on breaking the limitations of the current business models in customer connection, logistics and stores. The key to break those limitations is the integrated smart supply chain, which covers smart consumption, smart logistics and smart supply. The foundation of smart supply chain is intelligent big data science.
In this talk, through a series of examples, I will discuss how smart supply chain techniques and data science can enable the future of retail.
l Education
Ph.D., Computing Science, Simon Fraser University, Canada, 2002
MS. Eng., Computer Science Jiao Tong University, China, 1993
BS. Eng., Computer Science Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China, 1991
l Career
Vice President, Big Data and Smart Supply Chain, JD.com
Professor of Computing Science, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Fellow of ACM, IEEE
l Awards
Innovation Award, ACM SIGKDD, 2017
Service Award, ACM SIGKDD, 2017
Research Contributions Award, IEEE ICDM 2014