

[세미나] Introduction to Vulkan Ecosystem for GPU

2019.02.07.l 조회수 5299
연사 : Jaebaek Seo, Software Engineer at Google
일시 : 2019-02-08 10:00 ~ 00:00
장소 : 301동 620호


Introduction to Vulkan Ecosystem for GPU





2019/02/08, 10AM, Bldg 301 Room 620



Jaebaek Seo, Software Engineer at Google



Vulkan is a new generation graphics and compute API developed by Khronos Group. Vulkan targets high-performance and cross-platform realtime 3D graphics applications. In this talk, I will introduce Vulkan ecosystem and potential research topics related to it based on work experience in GPU shader compiler team at Google.


I will be also sharing the hiring and interview process of Google.



Jaebaek Seo is a software engineer at Google and currently working for GPU shader compiler team. Before joining Google, he received Ph.D., M.S., B.S. degrees from School of Computing department at KAIST. His interests include both developing tools for graphics / compute ecosystem and improving real-world application based on the ecosystem



Byoungyoung Lee - Assistant Professor in ECE, byoungyoung@snu.ac.kr