[세미나] [전기·정보세미나3] Learning from Nature to Design Soft Bioinspired Robots
연사: 조규진, 서울대학교 교수
일시: 2021년 6월 3일 (목), 17:00 ~ 18:00
장소: 화상강의
Robotic technologies are coming closer into our everyday life. Unlike conventional robots with metal body and rigid joints, robots used in everyday life must have a form factor that considers usability as well as functionality. Designing a robot with soft body will enable robots to be more human-friendlier, but there are several challenges. Nature has several features that can be implemented to design better robots. I will share some general thoughts and strategies for designing soft robots and how embodied intelligence can enable simple yet intelligent design of robots to be used in everyday life. I will also share some thoughts about finding meaningful goals of research, how I defined my goals and how it affected my research.
l 학력
2007(박사) |
MIT mechanical engineering |
2000(석사) |
서울대학교 기계설계학과 |
1998(학사) |
서울대학교 기계설계학과 |
l 경력
2017.3-현재 |
카카오 사외이사 |
2016.11-현재 |
인간중심 소프트 로봇 기술 연구센터 센터장 |
2008.9-현재 |
서울대학교 기계공학부 교수 |
2014 |
IEEE RAS Early Academic Career Award |
2007.6-2008.7 |
Post Doc, Harvard Microbotics Lab |
2007.2-2007.5 |
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담당교수: 전기·정보공학부 박세웅 / 문의: 양진모(jmyang@netlab.snu.ac.kr)