

[세미나] [전기정보세미나3] Bio molecular Needling System for DDS and healthcare

2021.11.20.l 조회수 3284
연사 : 김범준, 동경대학생산기술연구소 교수
일시 : 2021-11-25 17:00 ~ 18:00
장소 : 화상강의

944. Bio molecular Needling System for DDS and healthcare

연사 : 김범준, 동경대학생산기술연구소 교수
일시: 2021년 11월25일 (목), 17:00 ~ 18:00

장소: 화상강의 https://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/83981027805



New transdermal drug delivery system by using dissoluble micro needle patch will be introduced. The microneedle mediated drug delivery system has been developed to provide painless self-administration of biological drug with patient friendly manner. Especially, dissolving microneedles, which deliver the target drugs as the drug-loaded microneedle dissolves into the skin, have been spotlighted recently. We investigate a novel fabrication method to achieve the user-friendliest, low-cost, and safest way for dissoluble microneedle patches with vaccine delivery, several medical treatments, and even glucose sensing. The sensor device painlessly monitors fluid in the skin within minutes. Anyone can use the disposable patch without training, making it highly practical. Additionally, fabrication is easy, low cost, and the glucose sensor can be swapped for other paper-based sensors that monitor other important biomarkers. Furthermore, to monitor the biological information through the skin continuously, a novel microneedles’ structure is proposed by combining flexible "sponge-like" porous PDMS matrix and the coating by dissoluble hyaluronic acid (HA). Among the MNs, porous MNs have advantages such as applicability to fluidic systems and to biocompatiblematerials.


l 학력

1993 (학사)

서울대학교 기계설계학과 공학학사


1995 (석사)

동경대학교 정밀기계공학과 공학석사


1998 (박사)

동경대학교 정밀기계공학과 공학박사



2014 ~ 현재

동경대학 생산기술연구소 교수

2000 ~ 2013

동경대학 생산기술연구소 부교수

1999 ~2000

MESA+ Institute, University of Twente 박사연구원

1998 ~1999

France, CNRS Associate Researcher


Co-director of CIRMM/CNRS Paris office (동경대학 파리오피스)

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담당교수: 전기·정보공학부 이종호(S) / 문의: 박재영(pjy362@snu.ac.kr