

[세미나] [전기정보세미나3] Business Analytics: Network Visualization and Visual Decision Support Systems

2022.04.28.l 조회수 2905
연사 :
일시 : 2022-04-28 ~
장소 :

955. Business Analytics: Network Visualization and Visual Decision Support Systems



연사: 박현우 교수 (서울대학교 데이터사이언스대학원)

일시: 2022년 4월 28일 (목), 17:00 ~ 18:00

장소: 화상강의 https://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/94506911148





Businesses and organizations today collect and store unprecedented quantities of data. In order to make informed decisions with such a massive amount of data, organizations seek to utilize machine learning and AI techniques. Applying advanced techniques must be preceded by a careful examination of the raw data. However, the human examination is prone to fail without adequate tools to describe large and complex data. Data visualization empowers human decision-makers to find patterns in such data in an effective manner. This talk presents my research on how interactive visualization helps explore network data and facilitates decision-making processes by demonstrating visual analytics applications.



l 학력

2008 (학사)

서울대학교 전기공학부


2010 (석사)

UC Berkeley, School of Information


2015 (박사)

Georgia Tech, Industrial Engineering





l 경력

2021 ~ 현재

서울대학교 데이터사이언스대학원 부교수

2017 ~ 2021

美 오하이오주립대학교 경영대학 조교수

2015 ~ 2017

美 조지아공대 컴퓨터과학 (데이터 시각화 랩) 박사 후 연구원



담당교수: 전기·정보공학부 박세웅 / 문의: 박준하(jhpark@netlab.snu.ac.kr)