[세미나] [세미나] Information Leaks in Classical and Quantum Computers
연사 : Jakub Szefer (Associate Professor, Dept of Electrical Engineering, Yale University )
일시 : 2022-06-14 11:00 ~ 13:00
장소 : 301동 1112호 (추후 변동될 시 재공지 하겠음)
[세미나] Information Leaks in Classical and Quantum Computers
아래와 같이 세미나를 개최합니다.
■ 주제: Information Leaks in Classical and Quantum Computers
■ 연사: Jakub Szefer (Associate Professor, Dept of Electrical Engineering, Yale University )
■ 연사: Jakub Szefer (Associate Professor, Dept of Electrical Engineering, Yale University )
■ 일시: 2022년 6월 14일 (화), 11:00 ~ 13:00
■ 방식: 오프라인
■ 방식: 오프라인
■ 장소: 301동 1112호
Abstract :
In this talk, professor Szefer will introduce how information leaks occur in classical and quantum computers at the architecture and hardware levels. Unlike software level threats, architecture and hardware level threats are hard to notice since most of the everyday users can't distinguish them on sight. The goal of the presentation is to make researchers and everyday users become aware of the different architecture and hardware level security threats, and possibly lead to tomorrow's computer system design to be resilient to such security threats.
Biography :
Professor Jakub Szefer recieved his B.S. degree from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, M.A. and Ph.D. degree from Princeton University. He runs the Computer Architecture and Security Laboratory (CASLAB) at Yale University and is currently affiliated with Yale's Applied Cryptography Laboratory and Yale's Computers Systems Laboratory. He is a senior Member of IEEE from 2019, a member of the ACM and IACR and an associate member of HiPEAC. His research encompasses secure processor architectures, cloud security, FPGA attacks and defenses, hardware FPGA implementation of cryptographic algorithms, and most recently quantum computer cybersecurity.