

[세미나] [BK21초청세미나]Single-photon emitters and excitons in two-dimensional materials

2023.07.23.l 조회수 575
연사 : 문효원 박사 (KIST)
일시 : 2023-07-27 11:00 ~ 13:00
장소 : 301동 1112호

Single-photon emitters and excitons in two-dimensional materials

      ▶ 연사 : 문효원 박사 (KIST)
      ▶ 일시 : 2023년 7월 27일(목) 11:00 – 13:00
      ▶ 장소 : 301동 1112호

■ Abstract
Single photons play a crucial role in a wide range of applications, such as quantum computing, quantum
communications, and precision sensors. Among the various physical systems, solid-state materials show great
promise as host materials for single-photon emitters due to their scalability and structural durability. Recently,
two-dimensional materials have garnered significant attention as potential platforms for single-photon
emitters, allowing integration with photonic circuits and enabling nanoscale control. However, challenges such
as the spectral diffusion and low quantum yield of quantum emitters are still open questions. In this seminar,
I will present the current status, opportunities, and challenges of single-photon emitters hosted in
two-dimensional materials.

■ Biography
(1) Educations
Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science                                      Sep. 2015 - June. 2021
            Massachusetts Institute of Technology MA, USA
            Advisor: Prof. Dirk R. Englund
M.S. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science                                        Mar. 2010 - Feb. 2012
           Seoul National University Seoul, Korea
           Advisor: Prof. Sung-June Kim
B.S. in Electrical Engineering                                                                       Mar. 2006 - Feb. 2010
           Seoul National University Seoul, Korea
           Graduation with Summa Cum Laude
University of Science and Technology: Assistant Professor                                    Mar. 2023 – Current
            · Division of Nanoscience and Technology
Korea Institute of Science and Technology: Senior Research Scientist                      Mar. 2022 – Current
            · Integrated quantum emitter and excitonic system in two-dimensional materials
            · Deep-learning assisted fiber-optic sensors
Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Graduate Research Assistant                   Sep. 2015 – June. 2021
            · Tunable single-photon emitters in two-dimensional materials
            · Dynamic control of excitons in transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) 
            · Integration of quantum emitters into the photonic circuits for scalable quantum devices
Korea Institute of Science and Technology: Research Scientist                             Mar. 2012 – Feb. 2022
            · Fiber Bragg grating-based shape sensors for endoscopic / surgery system
Seoul National University: Graduate Research Assistant                                     Mar. 2010 – Feb. 2012
            · Neural signal measurement with a surface plasmon resonance using a tapered optical fiber
            · Neural probe development for deep brain stimulation systemVučković) (2021.7-2022.8)
■ Contact : 정윤찬 교수(yoonchan@snu.ac.kr)