

[세미나] [전기‧정보세미나3] “Electrifications and Power Electronics of Hyundai Motor G roup"

2023.12.05.l 조회수 557
연사 : 현대자동차 전동화센터 정진환 이사
일시 : 2023-12-07 17:00 ~ 18:00
장소 : 301동 118호
Global electrification is an ongoing future. Under tightening emission regulations, many manufacturers including HMG (Hyundai Motor Group) are declaring their transition to EVs. To achieve carbon neutrality, HMG aims to sell more than 3 million EVs in 2030 and prepares competitive technical solutions.
This talk will introduce these solutions called as e GMP (Electric Global Modular Platform), which is the new backbone for HMG’s next generation EV exclusive lineups. E-GMP includes PE system, Motor system, Battery system, 800V electrical architecture, multi char ging system, High efficiency propulsion drives, and so on. Also, our PE modular strategy (IMA, Integrated Modular Architecture) and V2X development strategy in details will be presented . Based on e GMP and IMA, HMG keeps EV leadership and has a plan to
est ablish more than 30 EV line ups in 2030.


Jin Hwan Jung received the Ph.D. degree in Electronics and Electrical Engineering from
Pohang University of Science and Technology in 1999. After joining Hyundai Motor
Company in 1999, he worked as the h ead of the power conversion system engineering
design team and the head of the Electrification Development Group.
Currently, he is working as the head of the Electrification Design Center. He led the in
house and localization development of power electroni c parts such as motors, inverters,
converters, and chargers in all models of Hyundai Kia eco vehicles. Recently, he has been
receiving various awards such as IR 52 Jang Young sil Awards and Korea Technology Awards
with the multi input fast charging system and the V2X system and so on.
Based on these world's best technologies, he played a key role that Hyundai Motor
Company is becoming the first mover in the global EV market.
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