

[세미나] Prof. Ross Murch (HKUST)의 초청 세미나 (4/10 09:00)

2013.03.29.l 조회수 14098
연사 :
일시 : ~
장소 :
Listening and Talking at the same time: Can full duplex wireless systems be realized?

강사 : Prof. Ross Murch, Ph.D (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
일시 : 2013년 4월 10일 (수) 오전 9시반~10시반
장소 : 서울대학교 132동 뉴미디어통신공동연구소 1층 세미나1실

Listening and talking at the same time has become known as full duplex and it allows wireless users to transmit and receive signals simultaneously in the same frequency band and time slot. It has attracted attention over recent years as it can increase the capacity of wireless communication systems and also open up the use of new cooperative and higher layer protocols with the goal of increasing overall throughput. Achieving full-duplex wireless communication systems is challenging because the self-interference from the transmitter to receiver needs to be suppressed. In this talk we consider whether a baseband systems approach can supplement previously proposed RF techniques to improve the overall performance of full-duplex. We consider baseband echo cancellation approaches for a wideband system and provide preliminary results. It is shown that the non-ideal characteristics of different subsystems in the transceiver are the main factors that limit the system performance. However, full-duplex communication can be achieved with careful design, and the overall channel capacity can be improved by up to 1.8 times. Moreover, to explore the benefits of full-duplex communication in wireless networks, we also discuss the performance of a recently proposed full-duplex MAC layer protocol as well as cooperative communication systems.

Ross D. Murch (M’84-SM’98-F’09) is a Chair Professor and Department Head of Electronic and Computer Engineering at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). He is a consultant for industry and government and is also the founding and current Director of the Center for Wireless Information Technology, HKUST. In July 2005, he was invited to the School of Engineering Science, Simon Fraser University, Canada, as the David Bensted Fellow and in July 2004, he visited Southampton University, U.K., as an HKTIIT fellow. His current research interests include wireless communication systems with a focus on multiple input multiple output (MIMO) wireless systems, MIMO antenna design and the Internet-of-Things. His wireless research contributions include more than 200 publications and 20 patents on MIMO systems and antennas, OFDM, propagation, and broadband wireless systems, and these have attracted over 7000 citations. Dr. Murch is the Publication Editor for the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS and was the Technical Program Chair for the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference in 2007, Keynote Chair for IEEE International Conference on Communications in 2010, and also the Advanced Wireless Communications Systems Symposium in IEEE International Communications Conference in 2002. He was also a keynote speaker at IEEE GCC 2007, IEEE WiCOM 2007, IEEE APWC 2008, and IEEE ICCT 2011. He was elevated to IEEE Fellow in 2009 for his contributions to multiple antenna systems for wireless communications. He was elected to IET Fellow in 2013. He received the Bachelor’s and Ph.D. degrees in electrical and electronic engineering from the University of Canterbury, New Zealand.
문의 : 이동통신연구실 (이광복 교수) 여규랑 (Tel. 880-8479)