

25May, 2016

[세미나] Publishing Your Research in Nature Materials

  • 2016-05-25(수) 14:00 ~ 15:00
  • Room 228 (해동 오디토리움), Bldg. 33
  • Dr. Vincent Dusastre (Nature Materials chief editor)
17May, 2016

[세미나] On the use of Sensors as Countermeasure against Fault Injection Techniques

  • 2016-05-17(화) 14:00 ~ 15:00
  • Room 1112, Building 301
  • Prof. Olivier Potin
29Apr, 2016

[세미나] Past and Future of Research Center (ERC-ACI)

  • 2016-04-29(금) 11:00 ~ 12:00
  • Building 133 Room 316-1
  • Wook Hyun Kwon (명예 교수, 서울대학교)
22Apr, 2016

[세미나] Mechatronics for Robotics – Technological Trends on High-Efficient Actuation -

  • 2016-04-22(금) 15:00 ~ 16:00
  • Building 133 Room 316-1
  • 심영보 (삼성전자 종합기술원 Mechatronics Lab, Research Master)