6Jun, 2015
[세미나] The 3rd Power Electronics Workshop of Zhejjang University and Seoul National University
- 2015-06-06(토) 09:40 ~ 18:00
- Bldg. 130 Rm. 511 (International Conference Room)
- 설승기, 정덕균, 조보형, 하정익 교수 외
5Jun, 2015
[세미나] HV SiC Devices Enabled MV Power Converters Applications - Opportunities and Challenges
- 2015-06-05(금) 10:00 ~ 11:00
- Bldg. 301, Rm. 203
- Subhashish Bhattacharya (North Carolina State University)
5Jun, 2015
[세미나] Research on High Speed Electrical Machine Design and Drivers using Wide Bandgap Device Power electro...
- 2015-06-05(금) 11:00 ~ 12:30
- Bldg. 301 Rm. 203
- Prof. Bulent Sarlioglu (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
4Jun, 2015
[세미나] [4과세미나] 6/4 Biomedical Big Data
- 2015-06-04(목) 17:00 ~ 18:00
- 301동 118호
- 윤형진 서울대학교 의과대학 교수
4Jun, 2015
[세미나] Robots Helping to Care for Older People
- 2015-06-04(목) 11:00 ~ 13:00
- 자동화시스템공동연구소(133동) 204호
- Prof. Bruce MacDonald (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Auckland, NZ)
1Jun, 2015
[세미나] Design and Circuit Techniques for Fully-Integrated Switched Capacitor Voltage Regulator
- 2015-06-01(월) 17:00 ~ 18:00
- Bldg. 301, Rm. 306
- Dr. Hanh-Phuc Le (CTO at Lion Semiconductor Inc., Visiting Assistant Professor at University of Colorado Boulder)
1Jun, 2015
[세미나] Improving Data Transmission Efficiency by Network Coding
- 2015-06-01(월) 10:30 ~ 11:30
- 서울대학교 301동 612호
- Hidenori NAKAZATO (Waseda University)
30May, 2015
[세미나] German-Korean Power Electronics Symposium [GKPES 2015]
- 2015-05-30(토) 09:30 ~ 18:00
- Bldg. 130 Rm. 511 (International Conference Room)
- 설승기, 하정익 교수 외
29May, 2015
[세미나] The Seminar on Power Electronics and Energy Conversions
- 2015-05-29(금) 10:30 ~ 12:00
- Bldg. 301, Rm. 201
- Rik W. De Doncker
28May, 2015
[강연] 글로벌공학교육센터 특강
- 2015-05-28(목) 15:00 ~ 18:00
- 공과대학 38동 글로벌공학교육센터 4층 422호
- 배명진(숭실대학교 교수), 정병국(새누리당 의원)